
The Gadget Man General Election Special Part Five – We Love Hitchin Interviews – Will Lavin Green Party Candidate for Hitchin Constituency

The We Love Hitchin Interviews 2024 were conducted by Gadget Man, Matt Porter, the founder of We Love Hitchin. Matt took the initiative to interview each candidate running for the Hitchin Constituency in the General Election, providing an in-depth look at their visions and plans for the community.

Welcome to the We Love Hitchin Interviews 2024! As part of our series, we are sitting down with each candidate running for the Hitchin Constituency in the upcoming General Election on the 4th of July 2024. In this interview, we have the pleasure of speaking with Will Lavin, the Green Party candidate.

Join us as we delve into Will Lavin’s vision for Hitchin, exploring his plans for sustainable development, environmental protection, and community well-being. Discover his stance on key issues such as climate change, local economy, and social justice. Will shares his passion for creating a greener, fairer future for Hitchin and beyond.

Interview Breakdown

00:00 Opening Titles 00:12 Introduction by Matt Porter, Founder of We Love Hitchin 01:07 Welcome Will Lavin

  • 01:19 Background and Motivation: Will Lavin discusses his background and what motivated him to run as a candidate for Hitchin.

03:10 Cost of Living Crisis

  • 03:26 Q1: What new policies will the Green Party introduce to help families struggling with the cost of living?
  • 03:30 A1: Will’s response detailing the proposed measures.

06:40 Q2: NHS and Healthcare

  • 06:56 A2: Will outlines the Green Party’s plans to address issues within the NHS, including appointment wait times and staffing shortages.

09:35 Q3: Economy

  • 10:00 A3: Strategies to address inflation, unemployment, and ensure economic stability.

13:10 Q4: Climate Change and The Environment

  • 13:30 A4: Measures to promote environmental sustainability in Hitchin.

17:54 Q5: Crime

  • 18:10 A5: Plans to enhance public safety and improve law enforcement effectiveness.

21:03 Q6: Housing

  • 22:01 A6: Measures to address housing affordability and availability, especially for younger people and those on lower incomes.

24:36 Q7: Roads

  • 25:09 A7: Addressing the appalling state of the roads and infrastructure improvements.

Community Questions

26:55 Andrea’s Question on Water Companies

  • 27:31 CQA1: Will’s response to bringing water companies back into public ownership.

29:11 Nyland and Lauren’s Question on Gaza War

  • 29:26 CQA2: Will’s stance on providing arms or assistance in the Gaza conflict and recognizing Palestine.

30:36 Jeremy’s Question on Digital Currency

  • 30:48 CQA3: Will’s perspective on digital currency and its implications.

32:03 Vanessa and Nicola’s Question on Special Education Needs

  • 33:00 CQA4: Will addresses concerns regarding SEN provision and pledges improved support and resources.

35:38 Will Addresses the Voters

  • 35:47: Will makes his closing appeal to the voters, explaining why they should vote for him on the 4th of July.

36:47 Thanks and Wrapping Up 37:49 End Titles

Election Results for Hitchin Constituency 2024

The General Election results for the Hitchin Constituency have been announced. Here are the final tallies:

  • Bim Afolami (The Conservative Party Candidate): 14,958 votes
  • Charles Bunker (Reform UK): 6,760 votes
  • Sid Cordle (Christian Peoples Alliance): 181 votes
  • Will Lavin (Green Party): 2,631 votes
  • Chris Lucas (Liberal Democrats): 4,913 votes
  • Alistair Strathern (Labour Party): 23,067 votes – Elected

Congratulations to Alistair Strathern, the newly elected Member of Parliament for Hitchin! His victory marks a significant shift in the constituency, and we look forward to seeing his plans for Hitchin come to fruition.

The Gadget Man General Election Special Part One – We Love Hitchin Interviews – Alistair Strathern Labour Party Candidate for Hitchin Constituency

The We Love Hitchin Interviews 2024 were conducted by Gadget Man, Matt Porter, who is also the founder of We Love Hitchin.

Matt took the initiative to interview each candidate running for the Hitchin Constituency in the General Election, providing an in-depth look at their visions and plans for the community.

You can view the interview below or listen to the podcast episode by clicking the play-head above.

Introduction and Background

The interview kicked off with Matt Porter, the Founder of We Love Hitchin, welcoming Alistair Strathern. Alistair shared insights into his background and explained why he decided to run for this seat. His motivations are rooted in a deep commitment to the community and a desire to bring meaningful change to Hitchin.

Key Issues Discussed

Cost of Living Crisis Alistair addressed the pressing issue of the cost of living crisis, outlining his plans to alleviate economic pressures on Hitchin residents. He emphasized the importance of creating a sustainable economic environment that supports all citizens.

NHS and Healthcare Healthcare was another major topic. Alistair spoke passionately about his vision for improving NHS services, ensuring that healthcare is accessible and efficient for everyone in the constituency.

Economy Discussing the economy, Alistair highlighted strategies for economic growth and stability. His plans focus on supporting local businesses and creating job opportunities to boost the local economy.

Climate Change and Environment On environmental issues, Alistair shared his approach to tackling climate change and promoting sustainability. His vision includes implementing green initiatives and supporting eco-friendly policies.

Crime Alistair also talked about measures to enhance safety and reduce crime in Hitchin. He stressed the need for a robust policing strategy and community engagement to create a safer environment.

Housing Addressing housing issues, Alistair discussed his plans to increase affordable housing and improve living conditions for all residents. He highlighted the importance of providing quality housing to support a thriving community.

Roads Infrastructure and road maintenance were also on the agenda. Alistair outlined his proposals for improving the condition of roads and ensuring better connectivity within Hitchin.

Community Questions

Public Ownership of Water Companies Andrea, a community member, asked about Alistair’s stance on bringing water companies back into public ownership. Alistair expressed his support for this move, emphasizing the importance of keeping essential resources under public control.

AI Safety Martin raised concerns about artificial intelligence and its safe use. Alistair acknowledged the potential risks of AI and advocated for stringent regulations to ensure it is used responsibly.

Gaza War and Palestine Recognition Nyland and Lauren asked about providing assistance in the Gaza conflict and recognizing Palestine as an independent state. Alistair shared his views on international policy and humanitarian aid, emphasizing the need for a balanced and compassionate approach.

Support for Special Needs Children Vanessa and Nicola, who have special needs children, asked about support for SEN families. Alistair pledged to improve resources and funding for special needs education and social care, aiming to provide better support for these vulnerable families.

Closing Remarks

In his closing remarks, Alistair Strathern appealed to the voters, highlighting his dedication to representing Hitchin and addressing its key issues. He urged the community to vote for him on the 4th of July, promising to work tirelessly for a fairer and more inclusive future.

Election Results for Hitchin Constituency 2024

The General Election results for the Hitchin Constituency have been announced. Here are the final tallies:

  • Bim Afolami (The Conservative Party Candidate): 14,958 votes
  • Charles Bunker (Reform UK): 6,760 votes
  • Sid Cordle (Christian Peoples Alliance): 181 votes
  • Will Lavin (Green Party): 2,631 votes
  • Chris Lucas (Liberal Democrats): 4,913 votes
  • Alistair Strathern (Labour Party): 23,067 votes – Elected

Congratulations to Alistair Strathern MP, the newly elected Member of Parliament for Hitchin! His victory marks a significant shift in the constituency, and we look forward to seeing his plans for Hitchin come to fruition.

Watch and Listen

Don’t miss the full interview with Alistair Strathern! Watch it on our YouTube channel and listen to the podcast episode available on all major platforms. Your support and engagement help us bring more insightful content and coverage of important local issues.

Stay tuned for more updates and interviews on The Gadget Man and don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe.

The Gadget Man – Episode 179 – Navigating the Murky Waters of Jailbroken Streaming Devices: A Cautionary Tale

Today I had the pleasure of chatting with Trish Adudu on her drivetime show on BBC Radio CWR about Jailbroken Streaming Devices.

In the golden era of television, our choices were simple, defined by the limited channels available through traditional broadcast. Fast forward to today, and the landscape has dramatically shifted. The digital revolution has ushered in an age where streaming platforms are king, offering a cornucopia of content that was once unimaginable. Yet, with this abundance comes a new set of challenges for consumers navigating the costs and legalities of accessing their favorite shows and movies.

Enter the controversial world of jailbroken or “dodgy” fire sticks. These modified devices promise a world of free content, bypassing the subscription fees of mainstream streaming services. At first glance, the allure is undeniable. Who wouldn’t want access to endless entertainment without the hefty price tag? But as we peel back the layers, the darker implications of these devices come to light.

The Legal Grey Zone

First and foremost, it’s crucial to acknowledge the elephant in the room: jailbroken fire sticks are illegal. Despite their widespread availability and the somewhat cavalier attitude some may have towards using them, they pose significant legal risks to users. Beyond the risk of fines or legal action, there’s a deeper issue at play here—the ethics of content consumption. In our quest for convenience and cost-saving, we must ask ourselves: at what price does this come to the creators and distributors of the content we consume?

The Cost of Convenience

The debate over streaming platforms’ pricing structures is valid, especially in a world grappling with rising living costs. However, turning to illegal alternatives like jailbroken fire sticks isn’t a victimless crime. It undermines the very industry that entertains us, potentially stifling the creation of new content. Moreover, the risks extend beyond legal ramifications. Using these devices can expose users to cybersecurity threats, including theft of personal and financial information. Trusting one’s digital safety to the hands of unknown, potentially criminal entities is a gamble few should be willing to take.

A Fragmented Marketplace

The current streaming landscape is indeed fragmented, with exclusive content spread across numerous platforms. This exclusivity can lead to subscription fatigue, as consumers find themselves subscribing to multiple services to access all the content they desire—a costly endeavor. This fragmentation fuels the temptation to seek out illegal alternatives. Yet, it also calls for a discussion on the sustainability of the current model and the need for more consumer-friendly solutions.

Looking Forward

As we navigate the evolving world of digital content consumption, it’s clear that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. While the allure of free content is undeniable, the risks and ethical implications of jailbroken streaming devices cannot be overlooked. It’s a reminder of the need for a balanced approach that respects the rights of content creators while also considering the affordability and accessibility for consumers. Perhaps the future will bring more innovative solutions to this dilemma, but until then, the debate rages on.

The gadget world is vast and ever-changing, but as we venture into its depths, let’s tread carefully, mindful of the legal and ethical boundaries that govern our digital playground.

The Gadget Man, Episode 177 – My Incredible Journey into Text-to-Speech and Cloning My Voice with AI Magic.

Note: Listening to the attached Podcast is a must for this article.

*UPDATE* Correct link updated!

Hello, fellow gadget lovers and tech enthusiasts! It’s me again, your friendly neighbourhood Gadget Man, diving into another thrilling tech adventure. Today, I’m stepping into the futuristic realm of text-to-speech technology. But hold onto your hats, because this isn’t just any text-to-speech; we’re talking about cloning your own voice using the latest AI systems!

Remember those sci-fi movies where characters would replicate their voices using high-tech gadgets? Well, guess what? That future is now, and I’ve just had a mind-blowing experience with it. Imagine creating audio that sounds almost 100% identical to your real voice. Sounds like something out of a dream, right? But it’s real, and I’ve done it!

I used a cutting-edge tool from Eleven Labs – yes, the name already sounds like it’s straight out of a sci-fi novel. This technology is so advanced that it can capture the unique nuances of your voice, and then, using AI, it replicates it to create eerily accurate audio. The result? A voice clone that sounds just like me!

Now, you might be wondering, “Is he pulling our leg? Is this for real?” Well, to prove it, the audio you’re hearing in this blog post was created using this very technology. That’s right, you’re not actually hearing me but my digital voice twin! Amazing, isn’t it?

But here’s the kicker – if you’re as excited about this as I am and want to clone your own voice, you can do it too. And here’s how: through our unique affiliate link. That’s right, we’ve teamed up with Eleven Labs to bring you this fantastic opportunity. By using our link, you can jump straight into creating your voice clone.

A little heads-up, though. If you decide to sign up for their paid subscription, we may earn a small commission. But hey, that’s just a small part of supporting our journey to bring you the coolest, most cutting-edge tech insights.

So, why would you want to clone your voice? Well, the applications are endless. From personalizing your digital assistant to creating your podcast episodes, even when you’re too busy to record – the sky’s the limit! And the best part? You don’t need to be a tech wizard to do it. The process is user-friendly and quite intuitive.

In conclusion, stepping into the world of AI voice cloning has been an absolute thrill. It’s not just about the fun or the novelty; it’s about embracing a technology that’s reshaping how we interact with our digital world. Voice cloning might sound like a small step, but believe me, it’s a giant leap in the realm of personal digital expression.

So, what are you waiting for? Click on our affiliate link and start your voice cloning adventure. Who knows, maybe your AI clone will be writing the next blog post for you!

Until next time, this is the Gadget Man, signing off – or should I say, my digital twin is signing off!

For more information, click or scan the QR Code below or simply visit

Gadget Man – Episode 175 – The Copper Switch Off: A Necessary Evil or a Step too Far?

This morning, I had an enlightening discussion with Tammy Gooding on BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester regarding the ongoing broadband infrastructure enhancements, particularly in light of the Copper Switch-off as announced by Openreach. This move is all about transitioning from the traditional copper wire systems to a more robust and faster digital infrastructure, aiming to future-proof our towns and villages.

However, not everyone seems to be on board with this tech transition, as exemplified by the recent uproar in the picturesque Worcestershire village of Broadway. The crux of the matter unfurled as broadband poles started sprouting up, much to the dismay of the local populace. It seems Full Fibre, the provider spearheading this initiative, hit a nerve when their wooden poles, standing tall at up to 11 meters, started altering the village skyline.

The discontent among the residents morphed into a full-blown protest, with nearly 80 individuals rallying to halt the erection of these broadband poles in Avrill Close. The agitation escalated when a 75-year-old villager, David Owen, took a stance quite literally by spending more than four hours in one of the lorries brought in by the contractors.

This brings us to the question – is the infrastructural overhaul a necessary leap towards a digital future or an imposition disregarding the public sentiment? I tend to lean towards the necessity of upgrading our digital infrastructure, especially when the world is rapidly shifting towards a more connected existence. The Copper Switch off, as discussed on Openreach’s blog post, is a significant stride towards ensuring that the UK’s telecommunications infrastructure is not left in the digital dust.

The saga in Broadway sheds light on the teething issues that such infrastructural transitions entail. On one side, we have Full Fibre asserting their commitment to addressing concerns and emphasizing the critical nature of their work in upgrading the UK’s digital skeleton. On the flip side, the residents feel slighted, their concerns seemingly brushed under the rug, as they see these poles as nothing more than “ugly eyesores” marring their beautiful village.

Lisa Kelly, a villager, encapsulated the general sentiment by stating that they already have satisfactory broadband speeds and do not see the need for these poles. The word “disenfranchised” was used, painting a picture of a community feeling left out of a decision that directly impacts them.

The episode also invited the presence of West Mercia Police officers to ensure the situation remained under control, illustrating the extent of discord between the advancement of digital infrastructure and public approval.

These infrastructural enhancements are a double-edged sword. They promise a digital leap but at the cost of unsettling the communal harmony, at least temporarily. The Broadway scenario is a microcosm of the broader dialogue between technological advancement and community consent.

The future is exciting, but the path there should be paved with understanding and cooperation.

Gadget Man – Episode 173 – Repair your own Apple devices?

I’m back again for a new episode of the podcast which features me chatting to Lesley Dolphin at BBC Radio Suffolk about Apples plans to allow their devices to be repaired.

Pretty much everyone is in shock at this decision, which isn’t quite as welcome as it could be.

Listen in to the stream to find out more!


Gadget Man – Episode 172 – Cat S42 Smartphone

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking to Tim Shepherd, Senior Director of Bullitt Group. Bullitt is the sole manufacturer and license holder of CAT Smartphones and Feature-phones.

You can also read the announcement of the CAT S42 Smartphone

The S42 can be cleaned with soap and water
The S42 can be cleaned with soap and water

During the interview, Tim talks in-depth about the ‘Anti-Microbial’ CAT S42 Smartphone which is the world’s first Anti-Bacterial Phone.

You can listen in to the interview in full and if you would like to read about the new device, read out blog-post here.

The CAT S42 Smartphone is currently available to purchase for £228 from Rugged Mobiles the new Anti-Microbial version will be available in early 2021.


Gadget Man – Episode 171 – Fans and Sony Celebrate as the PS5 Launches in the UK

It’s a day of celebration for gaming fans as Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) launches its next-generation console, PlayStation®5 (PS5™), in the UK.

Today, I spoke to James Hazell on BBC Radio Suffolk about the new console, listen in to the attached audio to hear more, otherwise, read on!

“Today marks a historic moment for the PlayStation brand, and all of us at SIE are pleased to celebrate the release of PlayStation 5 together with our community of fans, game developers, and industry partners,” said Jim Ryan, President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment.

Spiderman Mile Morales PS5
Spiderman Mile Morales PS5

“PS5 is a truly next-generation console representing the beginning of a new era for gaming. I’m thrilled for the new worlds that players will begin to experience today, and I’m equally excited for the lineup of games still to come for PS5 that will continue to propel the gameplay experience forward. We are humbled to work with a talented community of world-class game developers. Their creativity will bring limitless possibilities to what the future of gaming can look like on PS5.”

Fans and Sony Celebrate as the PS5 Launches in the UK
Fans and Sony Celebrate as the PS5 Launches in the UK

SIE is welcoming this new generation of gaming by lighting up iconic buildings and popular sites in 25 territories around the world, projecting images of the PlayStation® shapes, the PS5 console, the DualSense wireless controller, and other PlayStation brand imagery. The projections which started on the 12th November saw activations in cities including  Tokyo, New York, Auckland, Toronto, Seoul and Mexico City, with more iconic sites being lit up this week to celebrate the launch.

Playstation 5 Digital Edition
Playstation 5 Digital Edition

The PS5 Digital Edition will be available for a recommended retail price (RRP) of £349.99 and PS5 with an Ultra HD Blu-ray™ disc drive will be available for an RRP of £449.99. . With the exception of the Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive, both PS5 models offer the same specifications, so players will enjoy the same transformative gameplay experiences regardless of which PS5 they choose.

Playstation 5
Playstation 5

The breadth of PlayStation 5’s game library represents the best lineup in PlayStation console history, led by launch day titles from SIE Worldwide Studios, including Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Demon’s Souls, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, and Astro’s Playroom. PS5 owners can enjoy more than three dozen new games this holiday, including highly anticipated games from SIE’s publishing partners such as Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War (Activision), Fortnite (Epic Games), FIFA 21 (EA), NBA 2K21 (2K), Godfall (Gearbox Publishing), Watch Dogs®: Legion and Assassin’s Creed® Valhalla (Ubisoft), and many more. Meanwhile, new titles from independent developers, such as Bugsnax (Young Horses) and The Pathless (Giant Squid/Annapurna Interactive) demonstrate the breadth of diverse content coming to PS5.

Spiderman Mile Morales PS5
Spiderman Mile Morales PS5

PS5 owners can look forward to even more incredible games coming soon. Upcoming Worldwide Studios exclusives include Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Returnal, Destruction AllStars, Horizon Forbidden West, Gran Turismo 7, and a new God of War game. Additional games launching first on PS5 include DEATHLOOP™ from Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks, Ghostwire™: Tokyo from Tango Gameworks/Bethesda Softworks, Project Athia (Working Title) from Luminous Productions/Square Enix, and Final Fantasy® XVI from Square Enix. Resident Evil™ Village from Capcom and Hogwarts Legacy from Warner Bros. Games round out the lineup of highly anticipated PS5 titles.

Sackboy on PS5
Sackboy on PS5

At launch, this November, PlayStation Plus members can enjoy a curated lineup of 20 PlayStation®4 games that defined the generation with the PlayStation Plus Collection*, available to download and play on PlayStation 5. The PlayStation Plus Collection features critically acclaimed games, including Batman™: Arkham Knight, Bloodborne, Call of Duty®: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicle Edition, Fallout® 4, God of War, Monster Hunter: World, Final Fantasy®XVResident Evil®7 Biohazard, Persona 5, The Last of Us Remastered, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and more.

Spiderman Mile Morales PS5
Spiderman Mile Morales PS5

Inspired by a global community of creators, PS5 will bring players into game worlds with unprecedented speed, visual fidelity and sensory immersion. Gamers will enjoy near-instant load times thanks to PS5’s ultra-high-speed solid-state drive (SSD), as well as breathtaking 4K graphics and silky-smooth gameplay up to 120 frames per second. With the enhanced haptic feedback and adaptive triggers of the DualSense wireless controller and the immersive soundscapes made possible by Tempest 3D AudioTech, PlayStation 5 heightens players’ senses, making them feel transported into their game world.

PS5 Dual Wireless Charging Station
PS5 Dual Wireless Charging Station

In addition to transformative gaming experiences, PlayStation 5 offers plenty of entertainment experiences, with a curated lineup of some of the most popular streaming services** available at launch, including Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, Disney+, Hulu, Netflix, Peacock, Spotify, Twitch, YouTube, and more. There will be a dedicated space exclusively for media entertainment on PlayStation 5, making it fast and easy to switch between games and movie/TV.

We may earn a commission from sales when you click on our links.

Gadget Man – Episode 170 – Cat S62 Pro with Thermal Imaging, Humax Aura 4K Freeview Box and problems with Ring

Welcome to Gadget Man Episode 170, here I talk to James Hazell at BBC Radio Suffolk about the CAT S62 Pro mobile phone with FLIR thermal imaging camera, the Humax Aura Android TV 4K Freeview Play Recorder, and the issues that some owners of Ring doorbells have been experiencing due to incorrect installation.

Cat S62 Pro FLIR Lepton Thermal Imaging Camera
Cat S62 Pro FLIR Lepton Thermal Imaging Camera

I will be adding full reviews of the CAT S62 Pro and Humax Aura over the coming days.

The Humax Aura 4K Freeview  can be purchased through Amazon here

The CAT S62 Pro can also be purchased from Rugged Mobiles

We earn a commission from Amazon for sales made through our links.

Stay well

Gadget Man – Episode 169 – Ofcom orders Phone Networks to Stop Locking Phones + Advice and Tips about Switching Networks

In this episode, I chat to James Hazell on BBC Radio Suffolk about the ban on locking mobile phone handsets in the UK.

Mobile phone companies will be banned from selling ‘locked’ handsets, under a range of new rules from Ofcom that will make switching even simpler.

Some companies – including BT/EE, Tesco Mobile and Vodafone – still sell mobile phones that can’t be used on other networks unless they are unlocked. But this is a potentially complicated process which can also cost around £10. Ofcoms research shows that more than a third of people who decided against switching said this put them off.

Switching between mobile networks should now be simpler following Ofcom ruling
Switching between mobile networks should now be simpler following Ofcom ruling

Almost half of the customers who try to unlock their phone have difficulties doing so. For example, they might experience a long delay before getting the code they need to unlock their phone; the code might not work, or they could suffer a loss of service if they did not realise their phone was locked before they tried to switch.

So, following consultation, Ofcom has confirmed that mobile companies will be banned from selling locked phones. This will allow people to move to a different network with their existing handset, hassle-free. The new rules will come in from December 2021.