Tag Archives: Tips

The Gadget Man – Episode 178: Rice, Phones, and Chili Con Carne: Debunking Tech Myths with Malcolm Boyden

In this latest episode of The Gadget Man, Matt unravels the long-standing myth about using rice to dry out wet mobile phones.

Despite its popularity, this method is debunked as ineffective and potentially harmful.

The Gadget Man - Episode 178: Rice, Phones, and Chili Con Carne: Debunking Tech Myths with Malcolm Boyden
The Gadget Man – Episode 178: Rice, Phones, and Chili Con Carne: Debunking Tech Myths with Malcolm Boyden

Apple itself has issued guidance against it, warning that rice grains can damage the device by blocking ports and causing corrosion. Instead,

Matt suggests allowing the phone to dry out naturally in a dry, airy place, highlighting modern phones’ water resistance capabilities and the importance of gentle care in case of water exposure.

Rice can damage devices
Rice can damage devices

The conversation takes a lighter turn with a humorous suggestion for the best use of rice: making chili-con-carne, adding a flavourful twist to the tech discussion.

Dropping your phone in water is now not the disaster it used to be
Dropping your phone in water is now not the disaster it used to be

This episode not only clears up a common misconception but also serves up a side of humour, making it a must-listen for tech enthusiasts and foodies alike.

Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share!

See you next time!


AI Transforms Blogging Efficiency (November 2023)

Using AI to Write Blog Posts

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a buzzword but a practical tool revolutionizing various industries, including content creation. Blogging, an integral part of digital marketing and personal expression, is one area where AI’s impact is notably significant. This post delves into how AI is transforming the way we write blog posts, its advantages, potential challenges, and tips for effectively using AI in blogging.

The Emergence of AI in Blogging

AI in blogging isn’t just about automated content generation; it’s about enhancing the writing process. Tools like OpenAI’s GPT-4 offer advanced language models that can draft text, suggest ideas, and even refine content tone. The integration of AI in blogging platforms simplifies tasks such as keyword optimization, grammar checks, and style improvements.

Key Benefits of Using AI for Blogging

  1. Efficiency and Speed: AI can generate drafts quickly, helping bloggers produce content more frequently.
  2. SEO Enhancement: AI tools can optimize content for search engines, improving blog visibility and reach.
  3. Consistency in Quality: AI maintains a consistent quality and tone, crucial for brand messaging.
  4. Idea Generation: It can suggest topics based on trends and user interests, keeping the content relevant and engaging.
  5. Personalization: AI can tailor content to different audience segments, enhancing reader engagement.

Challenges and Considerations

While AI brings numerous benefits, it also poses challenges:

  • Originality: There’s a risk of producing generic content. Balancing AI assistance with personal insight is key.
  • Over-reliance: Sole reliance on AI can diminish a writer’s skill and creativity.
  • Ethical Concerns: Issues like content authenticity and plagiarism need careful consideration.
AI Transforms Blogging Efficiency (November 2023)
AI Transforms Blogging Efficiency (November 2023)

Tips for Using AI in Blog Writing

  1. Start with a Clear Goal: Define what you want from the AI tool – be it generating ideas, creating drafts, or editing.
  2. Blend AI with Personal Touch: Use AI for the heavy lifting, but add your insights and experiences to make the content unique.
  3. Regularly Update AI Parameters: Keep the AI tool aligned with your evolving content strategy and audience preferences.
  4. Monitor Performance: Use analytics to understand how AI-generated content performs and refine your approach accordingly.
  5. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with AI advancements to leverage new features and capabilities.


AI in blogging is a powerful tool when used wisely. It can enhance the quality and efficiency of content creation while providing valuable insights into audience preferences. However, the heart of a great blog post still lies in the human touch – the experiences, insights, and personal stories that AI cannot replicate. Balancing AI capabilities with human creativity is the key to successful blogging in the AI era.

In embracing AI, bloggers are not replaced but empowered, equipped with tools to create more impactful, relevant, and engaging content. The future of blogging with AI looks promising, offering endless possibilities for content creators worldwide.

This is an update of the original blog post Using AI to Write Blog Posts and using newer versions of ChatGPT (version 4)  and Midjourney (version 5.2)

This post was written by ChatGPT 4 (AI)
Tags produced by a plugin written by ChatGPT4 which utilises the GPT3.5 Turbo API
Images created using Midjourney (AI)
All cut and pasted by Matt Porter The Gadget Man (Human)

Tech Savvy Ways to Earn Money Online

If you’re tech savvy and you live games then you’ll love what we have on offer in today’s post. 

What if you could combine all your favorite things, be intellectually stimulated, and earn money – no need to go to work, right? 

In the post below we give you some of the top platforms for earning money online by playing games you love. Read on for more info. 


The game of football manager is known and loved the world over because it is a fully immersive experience. It puts football fans in the driving seat and allows them to imagine they are successfully running their favorite football club. But it’s so immersive it can enveloped your life  

That’s why it’s such a great idea to earn some money while you play them. It means all those hours are not completely wasted, even if you do win a cup or two. The Dream 11 platform lets you do just that. 


There are two types of people in the world. Those who love the latest games, and those who love the ones that never go out of fashion. While there are opportunities to earn money with the former, the latter has been largely neglected – until now. 

With the Paytm First Gaming Platform you can play all of the old games you love and earn cash at the same time. This cash is in the form of Rs and subject to Income tax rules in some cases. However, many games are not – check it out. 


Just as some people prefer older more traditional games like Tic Tac Toe and Ludo, others prefer to be cognitively challenged. They like TV game shows that test their general knowledge along with their speed and accuracy. These folks also love the gaming experience. 

If you have good general knowledge and like to play games like TV shows where you can earn some cash, check out the Queka platform. You will find all your favorite games here and more. Put yourself in the hot seat and see how far you get. 


There are some notable connections between Britain and American, Forex Trading is an excellent example as the GBP/USD exchange was once kinked by an underwater cable – you can’t get more connected than that. There are also notable differences though, like the styles of pool. 

Still, when you play pool online at 8 Ball Pool, everyone’s on the same page, or table! 8 Ball Pool allows you to automatically different versions of the game. You can play solo or challenge friends. Enter competitions to win cash prizes. 


The game of poker doesn’t need any introduction. Everyone knows that you can win money at poker if you can play, and sometimes, even if you can’t. No wonder online poker has become one of the best tech savvy ways to earn money online. 

The site called Pokerbaazi was originally set up in India in 2014 as a poker startup business. It is now the most popular online poker site in India and well known around the globe. There are some exciting chances to win good money on this poker site.