This week Matt again joined the Grumpy Old Gits on Mark Murphy’s Morning Show on BBC Radio Suffolk, where together with Ian Healey and James Easter they had a collective grumble about the following:-
Banning Contact in School Rugby – James Easter
Sunday, no longer the day of rest – Matt Porter
Royal Watchers – Ian Healey
Cold Calling – Ian Healey
Air Shows – James Easter
You can listen in to the stream to hear both what this weeks ‘GOG’s’ had to say and what they agreed or disagreed on.
This week Matt was a G.O.G. (Grumpy Old Git) on Mark Murphy’s Morning Show on BBC Radio Suffolk.
The subject matter still had technology subject matter as well as poor sound quality on broadcast TV, the perils of being computer savvy, the date of Easter, do children still go out to play and does riding an electric bike count as exercise?
Featuring Matt Porter, Mark Murphy, Rev. Andrew Dotchin and Neil Bowles.
You can listen to the stream, by clicking the play button above.
The Gadget Man – Episode 86 – Tesla Model S P85D – Auto Pilot
I have been driving the latest Tesla Model S P85D over the past few days, specifically to experience software update 7.1 and the improvements to Autopilot functionality.
Tesla Model S P85D
We discussed the technology behind Tesla Autopilot and also the future of autonomous and driverless cars.
You can listen to a recording of the stream and find out what we thought.
The price of oil is never far from the news these days, especially as it has a direct effect on the price of petrol, diesel and domestic fuel.
Loop Real-time energy monitoring
There has always been a direct correlation between the price of oil and electric and gas bills and the feeling that we as consumers are somehow trapped with a provider because it seems so difficult to move to an alternative.
Well, it looks like Loophave the answer to this problem by supplying a very nifty bit of that monitors your gas and electric usage and after a period of monitoring will be able to find a cheaper provider based on your usage.
It’s very simple to set up and I will cover all of this further in a full review soon. In the meantime, listen in to the stream to find out more about Loop.
Drones are never far from the news at the moment and with the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) currently in progress in Law Vegas, there has already been some big announcements in this area.
But none quite so big as the EHANG 184 Autonomous Flying Vehicle. Stay tuned for more CES announcements. You can watch the official video below for more about the EHANG 184 and it’s founders ideology of safe aerial transportation.
The Gadget Man – Episode 82.5 – Attempted Telephone Extortion by a ‘Help Desk’
We’re now firmed established in the New Year now and 2016 is looking to be a memorable one for technology. What hasn’t changed however is computer crime. Criminals have now settled in to established methods of computer crime using either hacking or persuasion on the telephone or email.
Attached is a recording of a telephone conversation I had with a ‘cold caller’ who goes on to tell me that I possibly have issues with my computer and with their help, they are suggesting they can fix them.
I have had countless telephone calls very similar to this one, what is different is that I specifically request the caller to go home and think about who they are working for, when they immediately hang up on me.
To be clear, NO COMPANY is able to tie your telephone number to your computer in this context. It would be incredibly time consuming to go about such an act and would therefore be reserved for government or police forces to do. If anybody calls you out of the blue and suggests your computer is faulty, hang up and consider reporting the call to the police and telephone provider. Do NOT follow any instructions by the caller to run software of ANY kind, they are simply attempting to extort money from you which could run into thousands of pounds.
If you know ANYONE who might be vulnerable to this kind of scam then please send them the link to this page.
In the words of Deep Purple; “The Nights Are Closing In”, and with it the increase of Seasonal Affective Disorder or S.A.D. which affects around 3-6% of the UK’s population.
I’ve been testing a SAD Therapy Lamp from Mini Sun which helps to lessen these symptoms through light therapy. Use of the Therapy Lamp for 60 minutes a day, not only produces the correct levels of serotonin to help fight the effects of SAD, but also comes in a very nice padded carry case similar in size to an iPad.
I sat the device to the side on my desk which gave the impression of sitting by the window on a sunny day. Having suffered from SAD in the past, I found it comforting as the natural light produced by the lamp gave a feeling of the sun shining on my face.
The lamp is available in both white and pink designs and can be purchased via Mini Sun‘s website and is an excellent addition during these dreary winter months.
To find out more, listen to this mornings recording above which also features a discussion about Ed Sheeran quitting social media.
It’s certainly been a busy time for smart watches over the last 18 months and we are certainly seemingly spoilt for choice. We’re also not spoilt for price options either, there should be no reason that you shouldn’t be able to find a smartwatch to suit yours or a loved ones style.
To help find the right watch, our friends at Mighty Skins have produced a handy infographic that details everything including price, compatibility, functionality and battery life.
You can download the info graphic, by clicking the image below or head over to Mighty Skins themselves.
We’re not just on air and online, we’re also in print in this month’s On Our Doorstep, where we talk in depth about the latest so called ‘Hoverboard’ craze. There’s lots of other interesting articles again this month, so click the link below and dig in.