Tag Archives: Technology

How You Can Use Technology For A Business Advantage

If you are a business owner with products or services to proffer, you need a way to get your information “out there” for the masses of potential consumers to engage with and experience. Enter technology. There are a variety of ways to work with and use technology to your continued advantage.


Everybody seems to have a mobile phone. They are practically extensions of oneself at this point. You use your phone for shopping on all levels, ordering food, purchasing tickets, research, and entertainment, and the list goes endlessly on. This is why you need to engage with a professional company for mobile application development

Can you imagine seeing your company as an app on a smartphone? Consider the endless ways you can meet your customers’ needs and meet them where they are at that moment. When they need something, they press the tile and the world which is your company opens up for them to engage with.

If you think that creating an app is a daunting prospect, think again. A team of developers will meet with you to discuss your ideas and gain knowledge of your company. If you already have a website in place, they will use that as a building block in the creation process. Next, they will create a bespoke solution that will grab your app users’ attention and keep them coming back for more.

Social Media

The term social media has different connotations for different groups. While the distinctive platforms connect people socially on a personal level, they can be masterful tools to wield to create a professional online presence.

Create company accounts on a variety of social media platforms for maximum exposure. You can use Instagram to create curated stories about your company and any social programs you and your employees support. Show your followers who you are and what you stand for. Make videos on TikTok showing how your product functions in different settings. Craft expert videos for YouTube showing tutorials and guides for how to use your products. Use Twitter to keep your followers up-to-date on the latest product releases or offer teaser tweets for upcoming events.

Here is a quick overview of how to use social media to help your business.


Dedicated Employee

An actual human employee is certainly not part of the technical equation; however, if you notice an increase in digital traffic across apps, websites, and social media platforms, it may behove you to designate an employee to monitor these. Having either a full-time focus on these areas or adding it as part of a current employees’ job description will prove beneficial.  

When your company can respond to comments, whether they are positive or negative, and answer questions about your products or services, that immediate attention to social media will show the world that you care enough about their thoughts and concerns to be attentive and respond. If a dissatisfied customer posts something negative, or even an honest review that does not reflect well for you, your employee can acknowledge their issue and offer to remedy it. 

This is all done in the public eye and reflects transparency. All of this effort further advertises and promotes your company. Today, consumers want to know more than the product they are purchasing. They want to know the values and ethics of the company behind the product.

The Impact of Tech on the Forex Industry

There’s no doubt that the forex market has enjoyed exponential growth in the digital age, with the total daily trading volumes having increased from $5.1 trillion to $6.6 trillion in the three years between 2016 and 2019.

This growth has a great deal to do with technological advancement, as new innovations have begun to impact on forex trading and make the market more accessible to part-time and novice investors.

In this post, we’ll look back at how forex used to be traded, while appraising the impact of technology on the wider FX industry. 

How Was Forex Traded in the Past?

Interestingly, trading forex is as old as the history of civilization, with people in ancient times known to exchange goods and services for an agreed price (which would often be represented by raw materials or food).

The issue here was assigning and establishing value fairly, so future generations of civilians resolved to develop commodity money and, over time, metal coins and paper currencies with predetermined stores of value.

This paved the way for the international forex market that we know and love today while making it far easier to exchange goods between nations. It was in the 17th century that the first ever forex market was established in Amsterdam, with this further facilitating global market exchanges and creating opportunities for investors.

Prior to 1944, the value of international currencies was pegged to gold, but this changed with the advent of the ‘Bretton Wood System’ immediately after the Second World War.

This was forged to create a stable environment and allow for increased international trade after the war, while it underpinned an adjustable pegged foreign exchange market.

With this system, major currencies chose to peg their value to the US Dollar, but this failed in the early 1970s when there was no longer enough gold to back the amount of greenback in circulation.

How has Technology Changed Forex Trading?

Since the 70s, the market has evolved to be governed by a free-floating exchange rate, where the price of specific currency pairs is influenced by an array of factors including geopolitical conflicts and the wider macroeconomic climate.

From a technological perspective, one of the biggest changes occurred with the advent of online brokerage sites.

Such entities replaced the traditional middleman and corporeal trading floors across the globe, creating an online portal and making a host of markets more accessible to aspiring traders.

As a result, investors can now engage in forex and indices trading through a single online interface, enabling real-time market analysis and the execution of live orders.

More recently, we’ve seen the emergence of automated and AI-influenced trading online. Ideal for scalpers and day traders, automation has helped individuals to optimise the number of orders that they execute in real-time, while AI is improving the analysis of even unstructured datasets and driving more informed trades in the process.

AI has also improved the quality and functionality of so-called “forex robots”, helping to eliminate human error and increase profits over an extended period of time.


5 Things to Consider Before Setting up Your Virtual Office

With the ever-changing job market, it is becoming more and more important for people to be able to work from anywhere. Virtual offices are one of the best ways to do this because they allow work and life to coexist. The costs associated with these virtual offices can be surprisingly low because they offer a lot of value for those who use them. They provide a high level of privacy in a professional setting and allows you to have an office without actually having an office.

Although they must be set up on your own, there are a few companies that offer virtual address services for lower rates than others; this is certainly worth looking into if you’re strapped for cash or just want some peace of mind while working remotely. 

It is not uncommon now to see people working remotely and from home. In a recent study, it was found that nearly half of the people in the US work remotely or from home. This could be because many people are trying to live a healthier lifestyle. It could also be due to the fact that work these days is more available online than in-person. Here are five things you need to consider before setting up your virtual office. 

  1. Location

These offices offer all the perks of working from home without the need to travel. Whether it is a coworking space or virtual office, these businesses provide more flexibility in terms of location and hours.

  1. Workplace Culture

The first step in building a virtual office is figuring out what type of environment you want to be in. For example, if you are new to the workforce or just starting out as an individual, it may be best for you to have a more casual work environment

  1. Communication Tools

Nowadays, many people are working remotely. This has led to the rise in the use of communication software and tools. Communication tools have been developed over time to facilitate communication among remote workers. The introduction of these tools has led to changes in the workplace culture as well. It is important to note that virtual offices also have their share of problems like distractions and lack of focus. However, these tools can help to reduce the distraction and get the work done effectively.

  1. Technology

If you are a busy individual, then you already know the importance of having an efficient office. Therefore, we can expect more and more technology to be introduced in the workplace. This is good for the virtual office because we can use this technology to work from anywhere.

Movement of work from the physical location to remote locations will continue as it becomes more feasible and easier. In addition to this, because remote teams are able to work simultaneously with people located in different time zones, they are able to get things done at a faster pace.

  1. Virtual Assistant 

Virtual assistants can help companies navigate all the tasks that come with a modern business. Virtual assistants are also known as chatbots, who are living online and respond to different queries through text-based chats on various websites. The most popular platforms for this service are Facebook Messenger and Telegram, where many companies have their own bots. Adding them with virtual offices means that companies can have their own automation system to help with customers. 

How To Have A Better Relationship With Your Phone

Your phone is likely a big part of your life, and thanks to technology, our reliance on our phones have only become more significant. However, it’s important that regardless of what you use your phone or how much you use it, you have a good relationship with your phone. It’s good to know you can switch off without feeling the temptation to just pick up your phone within seconds of putting it down. Here are some tips on how to have a better relationship with your phone.

Manage Your Notifications

Firstly, a big part of the temptation that comes with looking at your phone is the notifications. If you’ve got lots of notifications popping up on your screen, then you are more than likely to check them out, rather than simply leaving your phone alone and checking on it later. Managing your notifications can be a good way of dampening that urge to check your phone for messages and changes on your social media handles, for example. You can manage your notifications very easily within the settings of your phone or on the apps that you use regularly.

Often enough, these apps will automatically put on notifications because they’ll want to be able to get a hold of your attention quickly. However, if you’re manually switching off your notifications, then it can definitely help you avoid your phone when you need to concentrate your attention elsewhere. Those who manage their notifications, actually check their phones a lot less as a result.

See If You Can Go A Period Of Time Without It

The real test of how reliant you are on your phone is to leave it alone and see just how long you can go without using it. For most of us, this is going to be a challenge and perhaps not a surprise when it comes to how difficult it is when you put your phone down, to not pick it up. Doing this though can really help you to acknowledge that there’s a problem but to also train yourself to get better at leaving your phone for longer periods of time. Try doing it throughout the week and work your way up to longer amounts of time without it.

Being able to go for half an hour to an hour is a great start, but for some, even that might not be attainable without building the time up beforehand.

Monitor Your Usage

We all use our phones for different reasons. Some might be for mainly work, and others might be mainly to socialize. Some may use it for both, but whatever you use it for, it’s good to pay attention to your usage. You can find your usage on your phone’s settings. This can be really helpful in finding what you might be more addicted to when it comes to your phone. Whether it’s browsing through your photos, checking social media platforms, or answering emails, it’s all detailed in this area of your phone.

Usage is important because you’ll likely find some shocking results that you didn’t expect when it comes to the amount of time spent on your phone. However, it’s worth looking at because it may hopefully, help you change your perspective and attitude towards your phone. You may consciously use it less due to the stats that your phone shows you.

Take Regular Breaks From The Screen

Regular breaks from your screen are important because if you’re not giving yourself a rest, it can impact you physically and mentally. It’s always good to at least take a break every hour, especially when it comes to your computer and phone devices. We forget just how quickly an hour can go when we’re consumed with our phones. Whether that’s watching endless Tiktok videos to binge-watching a Netflix series.

Even though it’s good to have a phone when you’re on the go so that you can indulge in your favorite shows or to keep yourself occupied during your commute, be sure to take rest time into consideration.

A sign of spending too long on your phone is tired or sore eyes and even headaches. Switch off if this happens so that you can let your body recover.

Get The Right Eyewear To Protect Your Eyes

When you’re looking at a screen for hours on end, whether it’s a phone or other electronic devices like a computer or television, it’s good to look after your eyes. Blue light is a problem for your eyes as it can really put some strain on them. It can dry them out and make them look sore and so it’s always good to wear blue light blocking glasses. Eyewear can really help to ensure that your eyes are protected when on your phone and navigating the internet.

They’re affordable to buy, and they’re going to save you a lot of future health issues as a result. Check out https://www.eyeglasses.com for some of the best options for your eyes.

Try To Rely On It Less

When it comes to your phone, it’s important to reduce your reliance on picking it up but also needing it for various tasks in your daily life. If you can, try to rely on it less and instead use your own awareness or knowledge. It might be that you use more traditional formats in replacement of your phone and that can really help to rely less on your phone too.

If you find that you’re relying too much on your phone, then it’s all about working out what is making you go to your phone the most. That way, you tackle it a bit at a time until you’re able to pick it up less.

Having a better relationship with your phone is certainly important, especially as we live in an age where we’re so reliant on our technology. Make sure that you do everything you can to help reduce your usage when necessary and to give yourself a break from your phone.

Gadget Man – Episode 132 – Retro Gadgets – Part Two – Sony Walkman

In the second of my 10 Retro Gadgets of the Week, I talk about arguably one of the most important inventions of the 20th century!

Don’t forget to listen in to the podcast link above where I talk about the gadget and its functions.

Sony Walkman

The Sony Walkman was a portable cassette player launched in 1979, it started a revolution in personal audio cassette players and altered the listening habits of people and brought music to the masses wherever they might be.



Soundabout, Freestyle and Stowaway

Originally invented as the Sony Pressman to allow journalists to record interviews using a compact device, it became a personal entertainment device shortly after, settling on the name Walkman after being names the Soundabout, Freestyle and Stowaway. It very quickly became very popular and Sony began marketing it under a single brand-name, the Sony Walkman was born.

Originally the Walkman came with two headphone sockets with individual volume controls and a Hotline button which lowered the volume levels and opened the microphone to allow for station announcements to be heard or the user to have conversations with other people.

Sony Walkman Hotline
Sony Walkman Hotline and twin Headphone sockets

Other manufacturers such as Aiwa, Toshiba and Panasonic soon followed suit launched competing products, but the devices all became known as a “Walkman” as the brand-name crossed over into popular culture and entered the Oxford English Dictionary in 1986.

Walkman Effect

The Walkman was used when walking, exercising and running. Sony launched the ‘Sports Walkman’ which offered a degree of waterproofing and allegedly drove the fitness craze of the late ’80s. It was during this time that cassettes began outselling vinyl as millions of people chose the Walkman for their entertainment.

As music delivery advanced forwards, Sony was quick to adapt the brand to suit new formats, thus they launched the Sony Discman for the CD marketplace, the Sony DAT Walkman, MiniDisc Walkman and Sony Watchman TV.

Without the Sony Walkman, we wouldn’t have modern personal music players and most certainly would never have seen the Apple iPod. Sony continued the brand of Walkman into the modern smartphone marketplace.

Don’t forget to listen to the podcast above! Like, Share and Subscribe and I will see you next week for the Retro Gadget No.3

Thanks to Matt Marvell at BBC Radio Suffolk for having me on his show as a guest again this week.

Matt Porter
The Gadget Man

Technology And Cyber Security

Crimes that are associated with cybersecurity are from being problems created by the digital age as some would have you believe. Things like fraud and identity theft both existed long before the first computer was invented and criminals were finding ways of evolving their plans without the use of the internet. However, it is fair to say that now they have moved their operations on to the digital landscape it is time we are all prepared.

With that in mind, we are going to take a look at some of the tech options available to you so that you can stay safe and secure.

Understanding The Threat

The first thing you should do when it comes to cybersecurity is to build up your knowledge of what the threat actually is. That means learning what the different types of attacks are that might come your way and what form they are going to take. Before we look into these areas it is important to note that while the threat might seem extreme, there will always be people creating tools to help you combat these problems and sometimes common sense is your best line of defense.

Two of the common types of cyber attacks are listed below and the way they are used is also given as a brief description, this information will be critical to your success in staying safe online and in the digital world:

  • Malware

This term refers to malicious software such as:

  • Spyware
  • Ransomware
  • Viruses
  • Worms

Usually these types of software breach a computer’s security due to the user clicking on a link or downloading them without knowledge. This is where common sense will be a big factor in your security. To avoid having your information stolen through your PC or having malicious software break your home network, don’t click on links from unknown sources.

  • Phishing

This might be one of the terms you are most familiar with. Phishing refers to the practice of sending out communications that are fraudulent such as from a bank or government official that asks for private information. The aim is to steal sensitive data or payment details by posing as a trustworthy source. Once again you should use your own initiative to avoid these attacks where possible.

Software To Help

So, now you know some of the threats you are facing, what can you do? Well, there are some great basic tools that you can use to prevent falling victim to these attacks. The first is to ensure that you have a secure antivirus installed on your device. Companies like McAfee and Norton have been working tirelessly for years to provide you with software that will fight off malware that finds its way onto your computer.

However, sometimes you can get a data breach through alternative methods due to the fact that phishing scams can be highly evolved. Something you can do is sign up to protection services such as https://budgetboost.co/lifelock-cost-review/ that will look for breaches of your private information and secure it up.

Gadget Man – Episode 97 – Working From Home

Fantastic to be back on BBC Radio Suffolk this week, even more special that I was invited to James Hazell’s home for a very special outside broadcast, where we talked about effectively working from home and I got to play Star Trek Pinball!!

Thanks to James and Isaac for the invitation, fabulous fun!

Listen, Like, Subscribe and Share!!!


Gadget Man – Episode 89 – Star Trek 50th Anniversary – Fantasy Gadgets that are now Reality

uss_enterprise_ncc-1701-aToday we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek which first aired in 1964! Amazingly the series only ran for 3 series before being cancelled NBC. The show was an instant hit with a core group of fans now called ‘Trekkies’ or ‘Trekkers’. Star Trek went on to be shown on repeats or reruns many times over the years.

Leonard Nimoy as Mr Spock. Image courtesy Wikimedia

Star Trek went on to spawn 13 motions pictures starting in 1979 with ‘Star Trek – The Motion Picture’ and 5 subsequent televisions series including The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise. As well as the ‘Animated Series’ and a planned ‘Discovery’ planned for 2017. Along with all of this visual entertainment comes an enormous library of novels, audiobooks and reviews and in depth analysis of all of the above, it’s almost breathtaking!

William Shatner as Captain James T Kirk. Image courtesy Wikipmedia

Star Trek is now surely etched in science fiction folklore possibly (and arguably) only surpassed in popularity by the monolithic and multi billion pound Star Wars franchise

What makes Star Trek so attractive is it’s almost prophetic vision of gadgets of the future. Today in the 21st century we can make use of gadgets and technology first shown a half a century ago.

From sliding doors, universal translators, natural language conversations with computers, tablets computers, personal communicators, virtual reality to food replicators and more!

So, what do we have to look forward to in the next 50 years?

Well, personally I can’t wait next movie instalment and next years TV series, but moreover, I REALLY looking forward to Warp Drive, Matter Transporters and Interstellar Space Travel.

In the words of Mr Spock (and spoken in the language of Mr Worf:-

qaStaHvIS yIn ‘ej chep

(“Live Long and Prosper” in Klingon)

Earlier I spoke to Mark Murphy at BBC Radio Suffolk about how these devices now form an integral part of our lives, so listen in don’t forget to comment below.

qaStaHvIS yIn ‘ej chep