Tag Archives: streaming

The Gadget Man – Episode 83 – Edifier R1800BT – Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers

Finally we make it to Episode 83 with our first proper Gadget Man of 2016. This week I chat to Mark about the Edifier R1800BT Bluetooth enabled Book Shelf Speakers.

These are really lovely to listen to and have been either side of my iMac for the past couple of weeks. They even come with their very own polishing cloth!

Listen in to the audio stream above and stay tuned for our upcoming episode where we will be chatting about the Tesla Model S P85D with Auto Pilot!!

The Gadget Man – Episode 23 – BT Smart Home Cam 100

This week I chat about the BT Smart Home Cam 100 as nice wireless video camera capable of broadcasting at high definition (720p). It’s nice a simple to set up and you can view the footage using either Android, iPhone or via the web portal. Full review will be posted here soon, in the meantime listen to what I had to say about it.

Massive thanks to Laura from Kazoo for arranging the loan of the camera.

We also has a brief conversation about attaching camera’s to pets, below is the video I mentioned in the recording… Enjoy!

Google Chromecast,

Here at Gadget Man, we appear to go for the heavy hitters. I don’t think we’ve looked at a device that is below £100 yet, so today we’re going to change the pace with an insanely cool piece of affordable tech. Let’s take a look at the Chromecast. Continue reading Google Chromecast,