Tag Archives: Mark Murphy

Gadget Man Episode 9 – iRobot Roomba 880

This week we have been looking at the iRobot Roomba 880 vacuum cleaner. This is a FABULOUS appliance, we are still bowled over at the amazing effectiveness of this cleaner. Both Matt’s office carpet and his carpets at home have never been SO CLEAN!

We will be writing a full review on the Roomba over the next few days, in the meantime. Listen below to Matt and Mark discussing the most amazing gadget!!

Gadget Man – Episode 4 – Nokia Lumia 1520 vs HTC One M8 – Camera Comparison

This week, Matt wraps up his week using the Nokia Lumia 1520 and HTC One M8 phones as possible replacements for cameras.

Both amazing and beautifully crafted in their own right top end smartphones, it was difficult separating them as they had individual show stopping features.

The Nokia has a simply breathtaking 6 inch screen with amazing camera, the HTC is unbelievably well made and has incredible sound or ‘Boom Sound’ as HTC call it.

If you are looking for  great camera-phone, either will suit your needs, but don’t put away your dedicated camera just yet.

Listen in to find out more.

Thanks to  Nina at Hope & Glory, Nadine at Axicom and Jaycee at Kazoo for the providing us with review devices.

Gadget Man Episode 2 – Samsung Gear 2

This week, we discuss the Samsung Gear 2 smart watch.

Gadget Man – Episode 1 – Samsung Gear 2, Sony Smartwatch 2 and FIFA Official App

gear2.jpg-largeThis week App of the Week becomes Gadget Man. The slot is expanded to include Apps, Gadgets and general Technology related news.

Today, for the first of two episodes, Matt is reviewing the  Gear 2 smart watch from Samsung. We also discuss the Sony Smartwatch 2 we will be reviewed in full in the next couple of weeks and FIFA World Cup 2014 apps.

App of the Week – 7th April 2014 – Evernote

This weeks App of the Week features Evernote, the leading cross platform ‘Note Taking’ app.

We also discussed ‘Selfies’ and took a couple too!

Mark Murphy & Matt Porter in the BBC Radio Suffolk studio
Mark Murphy & Matt Porter in the BBC Radio Suffolk studio

App of the Week – 31st March 2014 – Foursquare

This week we look at Foursquare, a well established ‘check-in’ app which has now matured into one of the most useful apps available if you are looking at places to eat or shop locally.