Tag Archives: gear 2

Sony Smartwatch 2 – Did it miss the mark?

In our previous smart watch review, we took a look at the Samsung Gear 2, trying to work out just how much of a novelty the device was. It had a price tag that easily hit above its weight, with some reaching as far as £279.99. Today, we’re going to look at a cheaper, much more logical progression into the smart watch genre, but we are faced with a different dilemma; is this not worth even £100? It’s time to look at the Sony SmartWatch 2. Continue reading Sony Smartwatch 2 – Did it miss the mark?

Gadget Man Episode 2 – Samsung Gear 2

This week, we discuss the Samsung Gear 2 smart watch.

Samsung Gear 2 – Smart Watch or Novelty?

As smart technology begins to adapt into new frontiers, stretching its boundaries beyond that of the phone and into other common devices, the Samsung Gear 2 seems to be one of the first to really achieve what it is to be a smart ‘watch’, but does that make it necessary, or an extravagant novelty?

Continue reading Samsung Gear 2 – Smart Watch or Novelty?