Tag Archives: fun

5 Ways To Make Gaming More Fun

Do you love gaming but now find yourself wishing that it could be more fun? You are not alone. It is a situation that many people find themselves in. This is despite the fact that graphics and tech capabilities are greater than ever.

So, how can you restore the fun factor to your gaming activities? Here’s all you need to know.

Win Money

If you play modern titles, you’ll be familiar with in-game purchases. Players often spend more money on them than they do on the game itself. However, you can now grab free spins on registration at casino and bingo sites. Rather than paying out more money to play a game you’ve already paid for, you could win money.

The financial rewards are great. In truth, though, the thrill of winning gives you a dopamine hit that most video games no longer do. Another way to earn money from gaming is to enter tournaments or play eSports.

Play Retro Games

When playing today’s games, it feels like all features are aimed at microtransactions and long-term investments. Back in the day, games had a “pick up and play” quality. Retro games ranging from Pac-Man to popular platformers of the 80s and 90s are far simpler. You can play for an hour and then not worry about them.

You don’t need to dedicate half of your life to the game. You simply have some fun for the duration of play before doing something else. This more balanced approach to gaming will enhance your life in and out of those activities.

Focus On The Fun

Whether playing retro games or modern titles, the focus should be on fun. There’s no need to worry about completing a game to 100% of doing things a certain way. It’s meant to be a recreational activity. So, don’t be afraid to embrace cheats or skip sections that you don’t want to do. The aim is to have fun.

Similarly, there should be no pressure to keep playing a game beyond the point you want. If you’ve completed the main story and want to try another title, go for it. This has to be a smarter move than boring yourself just to keep up with other gamers.

Invite Friends Over 

When you think about all the fun you had playing games in yesteryear, it’s not just about the great titles. In truth, the company you shared those moments with was an equally key factor. While jumping in a Call of Duty online lobby is great, there’s nothing like being in the same room as friends. Do not ignore it.

It’s not something you’ll do as often as you did in your youth. Still, inviting pals over to play games and have some snacks is great fun. And it’s certainly cheaper than a night out on the town. Embrace it.

Combine Gaming With Another Love

The one thing that we do love about modern gaming is that it opens the door to doing things your way. Therefore, you may find that streaming or content creation is the perfect way to rediscover your love of gaming. Not least because it encourages you to join the community and find people with similar interests.

Or your love of gaming could be combined with creative writing, films, or other entertainment. The options are endless. And if you can alter your approach to rediscover a love of gaming, it has to be worthwhile.

How I Created and Published Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney in Less Than 24 Hours

Sometimes, you have an idea so out there, you just have to run with it. That’s exactly what happened with my latest experiment—writing, editing, and publishing a book in under 24 hours. Yes, you read that right: Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney by Matt Porter went from a concept swirling in my head to a fully published book faster than you can say “Bob’s your uncle.” Now, before you start expecting War and Peace or something that’ll win a Pulitzer, let me set the record straight: this book is meant to be a laugh. So, get that tongue planted firmly in your cheek and read on!

A Silly Idea Turned Into Reality

I’ve always loved Cockney rhyming slang. There’s something so playful and creative about it, and being a tech nerd, I thought, “Why not merge the two?” With that spark of inspiration and a challenge I set for myself, the idea was born: a humorous book that reimagines the world of tech with Cockney flair. Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney would be a light, fun read for anyone who’s ever wondered what you’d call a smartphone (a “dog”) or a smart speaker (a “chirper”) in the East End’s colourful lingo.

But then I upped the stakes: I decided to see if I could write, edit, and publish the whole thing in less than 24 hours. Why? Because life’s too short not to try ridiculous things.

How I Created and Published Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney in Less Than 24 Hours
You can buy and read Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney right now and very soon in physical paperback at https://amzn.to/40QzUnI

Don’t Expect High Art—This Is Pure, Unfiltered Fun

Let’s be clear: you’re not about to read a literary masterpiece. This isn’t War and Peace or The Great Gatsby. It’s more like a mate telling you stories down the pub, but instead of talking about football, I’m rambling about gadgets and tech in Cockney slang. This book was written fast, with lots of tea, laughter, and a “who-cares-if-it’s-not-perfect” attitude. If you’re looking for a deep exploration of tech or a polished manual, you might be barking up the wrong tree.

But if you’re after a book that doesn’t take itself seriously, one that pokes fun at tech jargon while teaching you some cheeky Cockney phrases, this might be your cup of rosie-lee.

The Writing Process: Fuelled by Tea and Banter

Once the idea hit me, I got to work with one goal: get it done before the clock ran out. I wrote chapter after chapter, each filled with witty slang, light-hearted anecdotes, and ridiculous comparisons between tech gadgets and everyday London life. Need to know why Wi-Fi is like a “Skyhook” or why a computer’s operating system is the “Guv’nor”? I’ve got you covered.

To keep it fun and breezy, I didn’t worry too much about polishing every sentence. It was all about the charm, the humour, and the Cockney twist. The result? A book that feels like a good ol’ natter with a mate—unpolished, maybe a bit rough around the edges, but full of character.

Editing and Formatting: It’s Good Enough

I gave the manuscript a quick once-over (yes, quick), fixing the obvious typos and ensuring the Cockney slang made sense. But did I spend hours agonising over sentence structure or tweaking every paragraph? Absolutely not. This was about speed and spirit, not perfection. Think of it like street food: messy, but oh-so-satisfying.

I also threw in a handy Cockney slang glossary at the end, so you can brush up on your rhyming slang while giggling at the tech comparisons.

The Cover: Simple, Bold, and Straight to the Point

When you’ve only got 24 hours, you don’t spend ages designing a cover that rivals The Da Vinci Code. I kept it simple and bold, with the title front and centre: Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney by Matt Porter. The cover hints at the humour inside without giving too much away—exactly how I like it.

Publishing: The Final Countdown

With just minutes to spare, I uploaded the book to the publishing platform, hit “Publish,” and breathed a sigh of relief. I did it! A fully published book in less than a day.

Why I Did It

Let’s face it, we all overthink things sometimes. This project was a reminder to embrace spontaneity, take risks, and have fun with creativity. You don’t always need months of preparation or endless rewrites to make something worth sharing. Sometimes, done is better than perfect.

Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney isn’t meant to change your life, but it just might make you chuckle, and that’s good enough for me.

What to Expect When You Read It

  • Lots of laughs: If you’ve ever struggled to explain tech to your nan or been baffled by a new gadget, you’ll feel right at home.
  • Cockney charm: From “whirligigs” to “dog and bones,” the slang is in full force.
  • Zero seriousness: This book is pure entertainment, so don’t come looking for an academic breakdown of microchips.

Final Thoughts: Take It with a Pinch of Salt (and a cup of ‘rosie’)

If you’re the kind of reader who enjoys a bit of banter, a bit of tech, and a whole lot of Cockney rhyming slang, this book is for you. But remember: it’s all in good fun. Don’t take it too seriously—just sit back, grab a cuppa, and enjoy the ride.

So, there you have it. My little 24-hour experiment, wrapped up and ready for you to enjoy. Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney is out now on Kindle and will be available very soon in paperback (As soon as I have approved the… Proof), and I hope it brings you as many laughs reading it as I had writing it.

Matt Porter
February 2025

📚 Want a bit of tech banter with a Cockney twist? Grab your copy of Gizmos and Gadgets in Cockney on Kindle now, and don’t forget to keep that tongue firmly in cheek.


Upgrade Your Gaming Setup For Maximum Enjoyment

If you are a gamer, you know what it means to truly immerse yourself in the game. You learn about the characters, their unique backstories, and become invested in the ultimate quest to defeat evil, or sometimes just get from Point A to Point B whilst accomplishing gratifying challenges. Regardless of the games you play or your end goals, you could probably benefit from a gaming setup refresh. Keep reading for some simple yet attainable ideas to invigorate your gaming experience.

Invest in a New Gaming System

As an experienced gamer, you already know what it means to have the latest technology. Not only is it just fun and exciting to open up a new gaming setup, it means you will not succumb to the dreaded lag. When your system is out-of-date and old, you experience glitches and unwanted lag time. When the unwanted freeze on the screen comes back to life, you may find that your character has fallen into a chasm of doom or worse – has been annihilated by the enemy. Nobody wants that. 

Save your character, stats, and your cred by investing in a new gaming PC bundle. A better processor means more speed and many more hours of fun. This applies not only to you but the people you play with online. If your partner needs backup and your screen is frozen, you will not have their back. Be a better teammate and upgrade for a better experience for everyone. Improved graphics cards, processors, and enhancements will provide more enjoyment.

Attend to the Details

There are a lot of little things that go into making your gaming setup and space functional. Everything from where to corral your cords to how you place your monitor will all make a difference in how it looks and what you experience. If you are someone who appreciates order and tidiness, you can still have that within your gaming area. 

Here are some things to attend to before sitting down to play.

  • Dedicate a place for drinks or snacks so you do not inadvertently spill on your tech. A side table next to the desk or couch works well. This is especially important if you are using VR tech.
  • Organize your cords and power strips before playing to limit unsightly distractions and make your area safer. (See the video below for tips.)
  • Have chargers or backup battery packs and cords accessible. House them in a TV stand, cupboard, or desk drawer to keep distractions at bay.
  • Ensure your seating is comfortable. No one wants to sit down for a gaming marathon and wind up with an aching back. Try out chairs in person or check out reviews online to find the best fit for your height and preferences.

Watch this video to learn 10 easy tips you can use to enhance your gaming setup.

Enhance the Lighting

As a gamer, you are focused on the screen before you and want to reduce distractions in the space around you. Lights that are too bright or harsh can cause you to lose the focal point of your game. You want to be able to pay attention to the amazing graphics on your new system instead of being concerned that the overhead fluorescents are causing you to strain your eyes.

You can fix your lighting problem in a few different ways. 

  • Install New LightsIf you rent this might not be an option. However, if you can, consider installing new lights that are dimmable and have smart technology features. Some light bulbs have colour-changing options that you can manipulate from an app on your phone or a voice command to your digital assistant.
  • Add Targeted LightingTargeted lights, such as table lamps, are perfect for gaming spaces as you can turn off the overhead lights and only use these to illuminate your room with minimal brightness to not distract from the game. This is a good option for renters.
  • Show Some Personality – You can have a lot of fun with lighting. Hang a neon game controller sign on the wall above the TV or couch. Use removable tape to hang LED colour-changing rope lights along the tops of the walls in the room. Many of these have remote controls to change the colour settings for more fun.

It is time to elevate your gaming tech to get to the next level. By following these easy tips, you will have more fun, guaranteed. Whether you achieve your next goal is up to you. No matter what, with new gaming gear you will have fun trying.

Gaming Can Be A Lot Of Fun, But You Need To Manage It Well

Gaming and tech go hand in hand. Without tech, there would be no gaming, and then there would be no gamers, and that would be really sad. We all love something in this world, some of us just love tech and gaming more than others! Gaming can provide a short term escape from reality, entertainment and a number of other things, which is why so many people enjoy it. However, you still need to be managing this to the best of your ability, which means remaining vigilant. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you can do to manage your gaming, ensuring that things don’t go too far. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Gaming Can Be A Lot Of Fun, But You Need To Manage It Well

Watch What You’re Spending

One of the things that you are going to need to do is watch what you are spending on gaming and tech as a whole. You can’t go too far and start spending money that was supposed to be allocated elsewhere just because you wanted a new game, a new piece of equipment, or even something in a game. If you’re using an online platform like space casino, we recommend setting a deposit limit on this, as at least this is something that you can physically control unlike other games and gaming sites out there.

In-app purchases are often where a lot of games make their money. They show you little ads of things that you then want, or they will make it so that there are certain things you can only have if you pay for them. This then escalates and you want things that are costing you 20 or 30 at a time, but you don’t even realise. Try to keep the in-app purchases to a minimum as much as you can to watch what you’re spending.

Do Research Into Consoles Before You Purchase

If you are going to be purchasing a new console, then you need to do your research before you do this. Whether you are looking into purchasing a Nintendo Switch, an XBOX, PlayStation or a PC, you need to know as much as you can gather about them before you make a choice. We know that there are some people out there who purchase entire consoles simply because there are one or two games that are exclusive to that brand. This is not a good enough reason to buy an expensive console, so you really need to think this through before you go ahead and purchase one.

Look at all of the specifications, take a look at factors such as how many games you want to play are released on that platform, and then compare them to all the other consoles available. This will give you the best idea as to which one is going to be most suitable for you, helping you to make the right choice.

Gaming Can Be A Lot Of Fun, But You Need To Manage It Well

Keep is Reasonable

When we say keep it reasonable, we are talking about how much time you are spending on your games, as well as how much money you are spending on the games and tech. Don’t forget that the equipment such as headsets and controllers all count as money that you have spent on gaming, and this needs to be managed. Other than that though, a lot of people who find their love of gaming growing will spend increasing amounts of time on their consoles, games, or other pieces of technology. You have to be careful with this as it can slowly become more than you are realising.

If you have spare time, then there is nothing wrong with spending this time playing your games. However, if you are getting to the point where you are actively avoiding things to play the games that you love, then this is where the signs of you developing an issue are starting. Should it be the case that you start finding yourself in the position where you are spending more time online than you are in the real world, something needs to be done about this as soon as possible. You cannot continue this way, as it can become dangerous to your health and mental wellbeing.

Try To Work On Your Social Skills

There are a lot of games out there that allow you to socialise and interact with other people. Generally, this is in games where you need to play as a team, so you sign in online and play with random strangers. From there though, who knows what could happen? You could become fast friends, talking and playing with each other whenever you both have time, and this can help you to develop your social skills. If you are finding a way to do this, then gaming can be massively beneficial to you.

The fact that you end up talking to so many people that you don’t know as well is also helpful for social development. Talking to strangers in a safe environment can be really good for you. However, we cannot stress enough that you should not be giving out your personal information, especially if you are under the age of 18.

Pull Away If You’re Getting Addicted


Gaming Can Be A Lot Of Fun, But You Need To Manage It WellIf you start to notice signs that you are addicted to gaming, then you need to start to pull away from this and immerse yourself in the real world. This means that you need to put the consoles away, you can even sell them if you want to as you will get a fair amount for the tech that you have accumulated, and you need to get outside in the real world. Go for a walk in the park, go on a date, climb a mountain, just do something that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a computer screen for a little while.

Signs that you are becoming addicted to gaming include, but are not limited to things like constantly thinking about gaming, using every ounce of spare time you have, and even time you don’t to play, spending excessive amounts of money on games, cancelling prior arrangements to play the game and so many more.

There’s More Online Than Just Gaming

The final thing that we want to say is that there is more to the online and tech world than just gaming. If you can get this into gaming, then there is no reason that you can’t do this with other things that are similar but not necessarily the same. There is so much more out there that you can explore, and if you take to the internet, there will be plenty of people happy to show you some of these awesome things.

The Gadget Man – Episode 28 – Anki-Drive, the Best of Both Worlds – Updated with purchase links

This morning’s gadget slot was probably the most fun we’ve had so far!! Today I featured the Anki Drive  a physical car racing game which effortlessly merges the real world with arcade racing and adds buckets of artificial intelligence.

You can buy Ankidrive online direct from Amazon by clicking the image below….

Both Mark and myself can vouch how quickly it can be unrolled and set up as I managed while a song was playing.  I haven’t even touched on what you can do with this ‘racing game’, but I can tell you I was seriously impressed!! Full written review coming soon, in the meantime listen to the attached audio stream and the short video filmed by the lovely Jaimielee.

Thanks to the wonderful Lauren Armour at Hotwire PR for getting this over to me at such short notice!!!