Tag Archives: Downtime

Global Windows Crash Crisis: The Crowdstrike Falcon Update Fiasco

Earlier today, a significant issue has come to light affecting Windows users globally. CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor update for Windows hosts has led to widespread system crashes, commonly known as the “blue screen of death” (BSOD). This disruption has impacted critical sectors across the globe, including transport, banking, and media.

What Happened?

The latest content update from CrowdStrike for its Falcon sensor, designed to enhance security measures, inadvertently introduced a defect. This defect has caused systems to crash, triggering BSOD errors. Users began experiencing these problems shortly after the update was deployed, leading to a flurry of reports and concerns from various industries dependent on uninterrupted system operations.

Affected Areas

The fallout from this update has been extensive. Industries such as transport have seen operational disruptions, banking systems have faced downtime affecting transactions, and media outlets have struggled with system reliability. This has not only caused inconvenience but has also raised concerns about the stability and reliability of critical cybersecurity tools.

Cloudstrike Statement
Cloudstrike Statement

CrowdStrike’s Response

In response to the crisis, CrowdStrike has issued a statement acknowledging the problem and detailing their steps to mitigate the issue. They have provided guidelines for affected users to stabilise their systems and are working on a resolution to prevent further incidents. CrowdStrike’s team is actively investigating the root cause and is committed to restoring normal operations as swiftly as possible.

What to Do If You’re Affected

Users experiencing issues are advised to follow CrowdStrike’s interim measures to disable the problematic update and revert to a stable version of the Falcon sensor. Detailed instructions are available on CrowdStrike’s official blog, ensuring that users can manage their systems and mitigate the immediate impact while a permanent fix is developed.

For ongoing updates and support, affected users are encouraged to stay in touch with CrowdStrike’s customer service and monitor their communication channels.


This incident underscores the critical importance of robust update testing and rapid response mechanisms in cybersecurity. While CrowdStrike’s proactive measures are a step in the right direction, the incident highlights the need for vigilance and preparedness in handling unforeseen software issues.

For more detailed information, you can visit the official statement from CrowdStrike here.

Three Benefits Of Hiring IT Professionals For Your Business

Have you been thinking about hiring an IT professional for your business? If the answer is yes, then why haven’t you done it yet? You should really have already started this process, or already have someone on board. A lot of companies think that not hiring an IT professional is a way for them to save money, but really all you are doing is compromising your business. In this article, we’re going to look at three of the benefits of hiring professional IT personnel for your business, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Expert Knowledge

The first benefit that you get when you hire an IT professional is that you gain their expert knowledge. This means that if there is an issue, or if you need advice about anything to do with the tech side of life, they are your go-to person. It’s always handy to have someone who knows what they are doing, and can offer you advice that comes from knowledge rather than guesses or estimations. For example, if you need a little more information about data migration for you to be able to fully understand it, you can talk to your IT team about that. 

You will find their knowledge invaluable, especially with tech becoming more essential to business by the day.

Keep Your Technology In Good Condition

Another benefit of hiring an IT professional for your business is that they will help to keep your technology in good condition. If it needs an update, they will make sure that it gets an update. If it needs clearing out because the hidden files are full of things you don’t need, or the recycling bin is full and it’s starting to slow your devices down, they will take care of this too. Anything that has to do with the maintenance of devices or any kind of tech, and they will be able to help.

Minimal Downtime

The final, and arguably the most important benefit is that you will be able to minimise downtime if there is an issue. What we mean by this is that if one of your systems goes down and this stops the whole business from working, then someone will be on this the second that it happens. If you don’t have an IT professional, then you have to call in someone from the outside world. The more downtime your business has, the more profits that you stand to lose, and this is simply not something that you can afford.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the benefits of hiring an IT professional for your business. We highly recommend that you do this if you run a small business, because if you don’t and something goes wrong, you could be waiting hours, or even days for someone to be available to help you. Don’t let your business have this much downtime as you stand to lose a lot. Good luck, and make sure you get someone on your team ASAP.