Why Data Centres Are Coming Under Fire From Environmental Activists

There are pros and cons to almost any type of technology. Take social media, for example; it’s a fantastic tool to help people connect with others, but it also brings out the worst in people. You can apply this line of thinking to just about anything tech-related; it will have lots of pros, but also some cons. 

Speaking of which, data centres are recently coming under fire from a lot of environmental activists. Indeed, governments are looking to clamp down on these centres because of the damage they are doing to the environment. On the one hand, data centres are excellent as they allow us to store lots of data and keep it protected. But, the flip side of this is that there are some ecological concerns…

Why Data Centres Are Coming Under Fire From Environmental Activists
Why Data Centres Are Coming Under Fire From Environmental Activists

Large greenhouse gas emissions

You associate greenhouse gasses with factories and manufacturing plants. But, did you know that data centres account for 2% of the total greenhouse gas emissions on the planet? That’s a massive amount and it all comes down to the sheer level of electricity produced every single day. 

Think about it, there are hundreds, thousands of servers inside a data centre that all need to be powered at all times. This uses so much electricity, causing serious harm to the planet. 

Big contributors to toxic waste

Another key reason these places are under fire is that they contribute to toxic waste. This is mainly via the sheer amount of e-waste generated by data centres. In fact, some reports suggest that e-waste is accountable for 70% of global toxic waste

Again, it’s a significant issue that’s leading to loads of people demanding that action is taken!

What can be done to solve these tech problems?

Like all tech issues, the problems with data centres can be solved with some clever thinking. For starters, steps must be made to improve the efficiency of data centres. This begins with the databases themselves. The goal is to maximise each system to ensure that more items can be stored on one server at any given time. One way to do this is through things like MySQL Performance Tuning. Ideas like this are designed to tune database systems to make them more efficient, ensuring they use up less energy and fewer data servers are required in any given centre. 

Performance tuning can also increase the longevity of servers within a data centre, meaning they last for longer before being thrown away. As such, less waste is generated in these facilities. 

Another obvious move is to power these places with as much renewable energy as possible. Solar panels can be very helpful, subsidising non-renewable energy and keeping greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum. 

It’s not hard to understand why people are getting angry about the environmental impact of technology, particularly in facilities like data centres. However, the good news is that steps can be made to address the issues. Thus, we get the benefit of data centres without worrying about what they do to the planet – everyone’s a winner!

What is a pip in forex trading?

Are you currently learning the ropes in the foreign exchange market? You’ve picked a great place to start trading for several reasons. It’s become the biggest financial market in the world , lots of opportunities to trade 24/7, high liquidity, plus comparatively low entry costs.

The aim of the game is relatively simple too. By trading two currencies, you’ll try to predict if the value of one will increase or decrease compared to the other, based on supply and demand. Plus, it’s easy to get started as a forex trader, with modern platforms allowing you to sign up from your smartphone in minutes.

That being said, it’s still likely you’ll lose out if you don’t do your research. There are several terms and ideas to get to grips with – including ‘pips’. Below we break down this idea and highlight why it’s important you understand it and other core forex concepts.

What is a pip in forex trading?
What is a pip in forex trading?

What is a pip?

You’ll typically see a pip defined as the smallest movement the exchange rate between two currencies can make. Most currency pairs are quoted to the fourth decimal place, with one pip being one positive or negative change in the fourth number after the decimal point. If a currency pair is quoted to the second decimal place, one pip would be an increase or decrease in the second number after the decimal point, and so on.

You may see some pairs quoted in fractional pips, which includes an extra decimal place for more precise pricing. Pips are also sometimes referred to as points because they relate to decimal points.

It’s a simple concept in theory, but knowing what it means in practice will save you any confusion when planning and making your trades.

Why it’s important to understand key trading terms

Almost 1.8 million Brits became day traders for the first time during the pandemic. But while it’s not difficult to see the appeal, you should bear in mind there is significant risk involved if you lack a strong foundation of knowledge before investing your money.

It’s important to understand topics such as pip pricing, as well as trading strategies and how the broader market works. The forex market is heavily driven by the macroeconomic performance of individual countries and investor confidence, which can shift in unexpected ways from one hour to the next.

Success in forex trading requires long-term commitment too, as well as the mental strength to cope with bad results. Sometimes the market will buck the trend and surprise you, and even the most experienced traders regularly lose out.

Still, while forex trading isn’t for everyone, its popularity shows there is success to be had. Now you’ve got to grips with pips, what can you enhance your knowledge of next?

Three Benefits Of Hiring IT Professionals For Your Business

Have you been thinking about hiring an IT professional for your business? If the answer is yes, then why haven’t you done it yet? You should really have already started this process, or already have someone on board. A lot of companies think that not hiring an IT professional is a way for them to save money, but really all you are doing is compromising your business. In this article, we’re going to look at three of the benefits of hiring professional IT personnel for your business, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Expert Knowledge

The first benefit that you get when you hire an IT professional is that you gain their expert knowledge. This means that if there is an issue, or if you need advice about anything to do with the tech side of life, they are your go-to person. It’s always handy to have someone who knows what they are doing, and can offer you advice that comes from knowledge rather than guesses or estimations. For example, if you need a little more information about data migration for you to be able to fully understand it, you can talk to your IT team about that. 

You will find their knowledge invaluable, especially with tech becoming more essential to business by the day.

Keep Your Technology In Good Condition

Another benefit of hiring an IT professional for your business is that they will help to keep your technology in good condition. If it needs an update, they will make sure that it gets an update. If it needs clearing out because the hidden files are full of things you don’t need, or the recycling bin is full and it’s starting to slow your devices down, they will take care of this too. Anything that has to do with the maintenance of devices or any kind of tech, and they will be able to help.

Minimal Downtime

The final, and arguably the most important benefit is that you will be able to minimise downtime if there is an issue. What we mean by this is that if one of your systems goes down and this stops the whole business from working, then someone will be on this the second that it happens. If you don’t have an IT professional, then you have to call in someone from the outside world. The more downtime your business has, the more profits that you stand to lose, and this is simply not something that you can afford.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the benefits of hiring an IT professional for your business. We highly recommend that you do this if you run a small business, because if you don’t and something goes wrong, you could be waiting hours, or even days for someone to be available to help you. Don’t let your business have this much downtime as you stand to lose a lot. Good luck, and make sure you get someone on your team ASAP.

Top Tips for Travelling with Tech

No matter where you go you will always see other people using all modes of technology. You’ll even be using it yourself to board your plane, book your accommodation, even pay your bills while you’re away with stored credit card details. You are likely going to bring your phone with you, your tablet, and the chances are high that you’re going to bring a high-tech camera wherever you go. While it’s a nice idea that you can go on holiday and leave your technology at home, it’s not always practical.

Top Tips for Travelling with Tech
Top Tips for Travelling with Tech

The thing is, if you are travelling with technology, you need to make sure that you can keep it safe. It’s always useful to have technology on hand if you’re in a new place. Using a mapbox matrix API to be able to plan your day-to-day route when you’re travelling around a new place is helpful, but if your phone gets stolen what are you supposed to do? Electronic devices can be very useful, but you have to charge them and keep them with you at all times so that you can travel safely. Here are some of the things that you need to know about travelling with technology.

  • You’re going to need mobile phone signals and Internet access. There is no use in carrying your technology with you if you can’t connect to anything. If you’re using digital cameras to video your holiday, you want to be able to plug it into your laptop and send your videos or blogs over the airwaves. There’s no point in bringing electronic devices if you can’t connect to the Internet, so prepare for using your mobile phone abroad, your tablet and your laptop on your trip and research connectivity before you go.
  • Check your Internet security. If you’re bringing your technology into foreign places that have a Wi-Fi connection, you’re putting yourself at risk. You should never use a public Wi-Fi if you want to keep the information on your phone, your tablet, your laptop and even your camera safe. Public Wi-Fi does not protect you from being hacked, and anybody nearby with the appropriate equipment can log into any of your devices and steal your information. The best thing you can do here is to set up a trip-only email address to use while you travel, and arm yourself with a VPN.
  • Plan ahead for airport security. No matter what technology you are travelling with, you will have to take it out of your bag and scan it through security so that the airline can see what’s going on before you get on the plane. Security screeners have to examine your computer to make sure that there’s nothing on it that’s dangerous. Take everything out of the cases and make sure that you can grab them swiftly from your bags and leave them out onto the security belt.
  • Don’t forget to insure it. Insurance is important if you’re bringing technology with you on holiday. If it gets stolen or lost, you want to be able to claim on said insurance. Standard travel insurance and device cover should help.


How Technology Can Be a Useful Tool For Your Business Needs

In order for your business to run efficiently and help you get through your mountain of tasks, you are likely to have technological aspects that help you manage your tasks. This reliance on technology now can be more useful than you think when you run a business, so it is definitely worth ensuring that you have the latest technological trends to help you improve your business efficiency. Here is how technology can be really useful when you run your own business. 

Helps You Be More Efficient

If you don’t want to just rely on pen and paper then you can always use an app to help you write down what you need to do on a daily basis which will act as a gentle reminder of what you need to get done and how far away you are from achieving this. This is particularly useful when you have a lot of things to remember and do not want to forget anything important.  

Gets Tasks Completely Quickly 

As long as you keep your technology up to date, then it will run as smoothly as possible. The best way to do this is to try this so that you know you have the latest software possible for your computer system. This is important so that you protect it from any possible viruses that could harm your software and damage your business files. 

Helps Your Organise Your Finances 

Keeping on top of financial matters will be important when you run your own business. If you can utilise spreadsheets or apps that help you manage the financial aspect of your business it is going to be a lot easier to know what your budget is and how much money you are making. Using technology can be a great way to manage your business finances. 

How Technology Can Be a Useful Tool For Your Business Needs
How Technology Can Be a Useful Tool For Your Business Needs

Enables You To Communicate With Your Team 

Whether you are having remote business calls with employees in different locations or want to provide a PowerPoint presentation to everyone in a meeting, technology can help you achieve this. It enables you to effectively communicate with your team and outline your business goals. This can be a great way to relay your message and ensure your team is up to date on what your business targets and goals are. 

Easily Processes Your Customer Orders 

Having software that enables your business orders to be processed is certainly useful when you run a business. It makes things easier for your customers to be able to place their orders with you but also just as crucially makes it a lot easier for you to keep track of what you need to fulfil.  

How Businesses Can Benefit From The Digital World

The online space is taking the world by storm. Although it is still important to communicate and work without relying on devices, it is quite obvious how beneficial they are becoming in the world of business. 

No matter if you are a digital nomad or a business owner, it is important to align yourselves with the online world for business matters. Although some might prefer the traditional means of communication, marketing, and more, there are so many advantages of using the online space to enhance your business. 

Here are some ways that your business can benefit from utilizing the digital world.

How Businesses Can Benefit From The Digital World
How Businesses Can Benefit From The Digital World

Help every employee feel involved

With many businesses taking advantage of the work from home situation, it is more important and useful than ever to use the digital space to continue communication regarding business matters.

Many businesses are relying on virtual calls to host meetings now as they are more convenient and time-friendly. However, a great way to use the digital space and help every employee feel involved (no matter their personal needs) is to use communication help, such as translators. 

For instance, using sign language translation you can make everyone in your business feel included in meetings. This service can be ideal for virtual business meetings whereby a member of the team requires additional assistance. 

Improved customer experience

As well as making every employee feel involved and appreciated, using the digital world will improve your customer’s experience. There are many ways that using the digital space can enhance customer experience:

  • Social media engagement. With there being millions of social media users, the likelihood of your business having lots of interaction through social media accounts is high. Hence, you can engage with your customers and make your business easier to contact/more personable with the use of social media. 
  • Live chats. Should a customer want to get in touch with your business and acquire a fast response, then they could do so if you install a live chat service on your business website. That way, your customers will not need to wait for a response and, therefore, enjoy their communication experience. 

Improves employee output

Although employees can be productive with pen and paper, the use of the digital space can easily speed up business processes. Hence, employees can be more productive and increase their output. 

For instance, a marketing expert on the team might use a lot of their time creating and scheduling social media content. If they use the digital space and automation software, they can speed up their output yet reduce their manual labor. Hence, the digital space can take the pressure off and make work-life more streamlined. 

The higher your business’s output is, the quicker it can meet its targets and the more sales can be generated. Hence, your business will see greater success. 

To conclude, using the digital space will guarantee to offer your business many benefits. From improving employee happiness and productivity to customer satisfaction, it can do wonders for any business. 


Fully Charged Live 2022 is a resounding success!! We’ll be there on Sunday!

Fully Charged Live 2022 is in full swing and we’re there on Sunday!

  • More than 20,000 visitors experience 200+ clean energy and electric vehicle exhibits at Fully Charged LIVE
  • Every type and size of electric vehicle including over 100 electric cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds, bicycles, trikes, scooters, skateboards, classics, and concepts
  • UK’s largest EV test drive opportunity comes to Farnborough – 29 April to 1 May
  • Fully Charged and industry experts to deliver 50+ live sessions on greener living and EV ownership
  • Independent Home Energy Advice Team will help thousands move towards cheaper or cleaner living
Live Sessions at Fully Charged Live 2022
Live Sessions at Fully Charged Live 2022

Fully Charged LIVE is the biggest of its kind in the world, with every type and size of electric vehicle including more than 100 electric cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds, bicycles, trikes, scooters, skateboards, classics, and concepts on show. Visitors to the show can also take part in thousands of test drives; soak up knowledge from an independent team of home energy advisors; and enjoy more than 50 live clean living theatre sessions.

Robert Llewellyn, Fully Charged joint CEO: “Public demand for cheaper and cleaner ways to live and get around has never been stronger, so the fact we’re able to deliver almost every clean energy technology and electric vehicle to thousands of people through Fully Charged LIVE is truly fantastic. Electric vehicles sales are rocketing, clean energy homes are moving to the mainstream and I feel we’re now at a turning point for our society. I’m confident that our visitors will leave the Farnborough show with ‘greater knowledge, passion and the tools to live cheaper and cleaner.”

Helen Czerski at Fully Charged Live 2022

Major attractions at the event include the UK public debut for the all-new Kia Niro EV, the highly anticipated Volkswagen ID Buzz, luxurious Genesis GV60, classically-inspired Nobe 100 GT, and compact Chinese EV, the Ora Cat. Elsewhere at Fully Charged LIVE, visitors can take part in thousands of test drives with dozens of different electric vehicles to choose from. Popular drives are sure to include the best-selling Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model Y, plus the Kia EV6 and Nissan Ariya, which debuted at the show in 2021.

The Home Energy Advice Team is a new feature for 2022. Visitors can access free, independent advice from 20 industry experts covering topics from energy efficiency and electric car charging to heat pumps and zero emission boilers. Having understood the potential clean energy options, the wealth of home energy exhibitors will help make visitor’s home improvements a reality.

The Fully Charged team of presenters, including Robert Llewellyn, Helen Czerski and Jack Scarlett will be joined by industry experts and famous faces including Philippa Forrester, Jordan Rand and Quentin Willson, in more than 50 live theatre sessions. Topics covered vary from choosing an electric car, and ditching boilers to engaging youngsters in clean living, and the future of electric flight.

Robert Llewellyn at Fully Charged Live 2022
Robert Llewellyn at Fully Charged Live 2022

Beyond the wealth of clean-living exhibitors, electric cars, vans, trucks, buses, electric motorcycles, e-bikes, e-scooters and classics, there is a wide array of other attractions. These include the Electric Education Zone, Family Fun Zone, Electric Picnic, Used Electric Vehicle Zone, Future of Flight Zone, Commercial Vehicle Zone, and Business Zone.

See you there on Sunday!

How Digital Nomads Can Take Advantage Of Cryptocurrency

We all know someone who invested in cryptocurrency early on and is now living large. You’ve probably read a few things about the topic now, and might be tempted to get in on the action yourself. There are lots of options out there at the moment, and because you are a digital nomad, you are probably willing to explore the unknown and take some risks. If this is the case, stick around and you might learn some tricks. 

How Digital Nomads Can Take Advantage Of Cryptocurrency
How Digital Nomads Can Take Advantage Of Cryptocurrency

It’s More Difficult Than You Think

Your first move should be hitting the trading platform, acquiring the cryptocurrency you want, and storing it in a wallet. This sounds simple, but if you’re a digital nomad, it can be more tricky to get involved with the crypto exchange. If you travel a lot, a lot of trading platforms may stop you from accessing your account based on their strict ID policy. Customer support will only be able to do so much with rigid rules, and you can end up wasting a lot of time trying to explain your situation, with no results. 


Offer Your Services And Get Cryptocurrencies In Return

You have probably heard people say that crypto will eventually replace real money. Whether this is true or not, you will have to decide for yourself. However, the fact is that it is now completely possible to receive cryptocurrency donations. The only thing that you have to do is to find your own personal QR code, which is generated by your wallet. Of course, you don’t need to be a computer genius to be paid in crypto either. You can even trade some goods that you produce and exchange them for a chance to get into the game. 

Are You Interested In Mining?

There are thousands of articles out there claiming that mining is a waste of time and resources. There is some truth to this claim, especially if you live in a country where electricity bills are high, or if you have a basic laptop. The other path would be to invest large amounts of money into graphic cards and let them run all day long. You will probably only end up with no more than $20 on that account, but that money could cover some of your expenses. This tactic is especially useful if you don’t need to worry about your electricity bills, because you’re staying in a hotel, for example. It might not earn you much, but you don’t need to do anything except click the mouse a few times. 


Set Up A Trading Team

Being on a trading market while on the road is not an easy thing to do. Most of your competitors will probably be looking at a couple of monitors, eyeing every change, whereas you will only have your laptop. If you have some friends who are into trading, you can share valuable information, and succeed together. This works well if your team is spread out across the world, as you can monitor the latest changes all the time. Bringing in a different set of eyes to your assistance can be a great deal.

Sandberg launches intelligent Motion Tracking Phone Mount in the UK

Danish mobile accessories brand, Sandberg A/S, is pleased to introduce its Motion Tracking Phone Mount. An intelligent phone mount with motion tracking AI that follows the user in any direction as they move, it is a great accessory for work, fitness and social media. The Sandberg Motion Tracking Phone Mount is available for £64.99 from Amazon and Sandberg.

Sandberg launches intelligent Motion Tracking Phone Mount in the UK
Sandberg launches intelligent Motion Tracking Phone Mount in the UK

The mount provides users with the ability to record or view content or meetings in a more convenient way. Featuring a 360-degree tracking rotation, the mount automatically tracks the movement of the user through motion tracking AI to ensure that the best view is always given – ideal for those who record content for social media, take part in online fitness classes, attend online meetings or presentations or simply video call friends or family.

Sandberg launches intelligent Motion Tracking Phone Mount in the UK

With an embedded and rechargeable battery that provides up to 8 hours of use, it provides users with more than enough time to record or stream anything without the need for wires or a power outlet. From taking part in exercise classes in the garden and being able to view instructions easily as the user moves around to presenting in an online meeting inside, there will be enough battery to cover any activity and it can be used anywhere. With no app needed and a universal fit for phones between 4cm and 8.5cm, as well as a tripod mount, it is convenient and able to be used by most smartphone owners.

Sandberg launches intelligent Motion Tracking Phone Mount in the UK

Sandberg is so sure of the quality of this product that they provide 5 years warranty and it is double quality tested to ensure it is up to its high standards and provides users with a great quality product for an affordable price.

The Sandberg Motion Tracking Phone Mount is available from Amazon and Sandberg for £64.99.

Gaming Can Be A Lot Of Fun, But You Need To Manage It Well

Gaming and tech go hand in hand. Without tech, there would be no gaming, and then there would be no gamers, and that would be really sad. We all love something in this world, some of us just love tech and gaming more than others! Gaming can provide a short term escape from reality, entertainment and a number of other things, which is why so many people enjoy it. However, you still need to be managing this to the best of your ability, which means remaining vigilant. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you can do to manage your gaming, ensuring that things don’t go too far. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Gaming Can Be A Lot Of Fun, But You Need To Manage It Well

Watch What You’re Spending

One of the things that you are going to need to do is watch what you are spending on gaming and tech as a whole. You can’t go too far and start spending money that was supposed to be allocated elsewhere just because you wanted a new game, a new piece of equipment, or even something in a game. If you’re using an online platform like space casino, we recommend setting a deposit limit on this, as at least this is something that you can physically control unlike other games and gaming sites out there.

In-app purchases are often where a lot of games make their money. They show you little ads of things that you then want, or they will make it so that there are certain things you can only have if you pay for them. This then escalates and you want things that are costing you 20 or 30 at a time, but you don’t even realise. Try to keep the in-app purchases to a minimum as much as you can to watch what you’re spending.

Do Research Into Consoles Before You Purchase

If you are going to be purchasing a new console, then you need to do your research before you do this. Whether you are looking into purchasing a Nintendo Switch, an XBOX, PlayStation or a PC, you need to know as much as you can gather about them before you make a choice. We know that there are some people out there who purchase entire consoles simply because there are one or two games that are exclusive to that brand. This is not a good enough reason to buy an expensive console, so you really need to think this through before you go ahead and purchase one.

Look at all of the specifications, take a look at factors such as how many games you want to play are released on that platform, and then compare them to all the other consoles available. This will give you the best idea as to which one is going to be most suitable for you, helping you to make the right choice.

Gaming Can Be A Lot Of Fun, But You Need To Manage It Well

Keep is Reasonable

When we say keep it reasonable, we are talking about how much time you are spending on your games, as well as how much money you are spending on the games and tech. Don’t forget that the equipment such as headsets and controllers all count as money that you have spent on gaming, and this needs to be managed. Other than that though, a lot of people who find their love of gaming growing will spend increasing amounts of time on their consoles, games, or other pieces of technology. You have to be careful with this as it can slowly become more than you are realising.

If you have spare time, then there is nothing wrong with spending this time playing your games. However, if you are getting to the point where you are actively avoiding things to play the games that you love, then this is where the signs of you developing an issue are starting. Should it be the case that you start finding yourself in the position where you are spending more time online than you are in the real world, something needs to be done about this as soon as possible. You cannot continue this way, as it can become dangerous to your health and mental wellbeing.

Try To Work On Your Social Skills

There are a lot of games out there that allow you to socialise and interact with other people. Generally, this is in games where you need to play as a team, so you sign in online and play with random strangers. From there though, who knows what could happen? You could become fast friends, talking and playing with each other whenever you both have time, and this can help you to develop your social skills. If you are finding a way to do this, then gaming can be massively beneficial to you.

The fact that you end up talking to so many people that you don’t know as well is also helpful for social development. Talking to strangers in a safe environment can be really good for you. However, we cannot stress enough that you should not be giving out your personal information, especially if you are under the age of 18.

Pull Away If You’re Getting Addicted


Gaming Can Be A Lot Of Fun, But You Need To Manage It WellIf you start to notice signs that you are addicted to gaming, then you need to start to pull away from this and immerse yourself in the real world. This means that you need to put the consoles away, you can even sell them if you want to as you will get a fair amount for the tech that you have accumulated, and you need to get outside in the real world. Go for a walk in the park, go on a date, climb a mountain, just do something that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a computer screen for a little while.

Signs that you are becoming addicted to gaming include, but are not limited to things like constantly thinking about gaming, using every ounce of spare time you have, and even time you don’t to play, spending excessive amounts of money on games, cancelling prior arrangements to play the game and so many more.

There’s More Online Than Just Gaming

The final thing that we want to say is that there is more to the online and tech world than just gaming. If you can get this into gaming, then there is no reason that you can’t do this with other things that are similar but not necessarily the same. There is so much more out there that you can explore, and if you take to the internet, there will be plenty of people happy to show you some of these awesome things.

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