This week we talk exclusively about the Batribike Granite Pro, a super pedal assisted ebike, with the added feature of a throttle.
We were very impressed by this bike, it was extremely well built, comfortable and the throttle was just an amazing addition for when you want a rest from pedalling, but can happily continue to propel you along at 15mph.
We will be uploading a full review of the Granite Pro in the next couple of days.
I would however like to thank Sue from Batribike for delivering the bike to us personally last week and picking it up again today. It made such a difference having a fully working ebike delivered to our door.
If you are interested in finding out more about Batribike, you can go to their website at or call them on 01427 787774 and don’t forget to tell them Gadget Man referred you 🙂
Here at Gadget Man we are always on the look out for something different, this has taken down the road of reviewing electric bikes, smart watches, flying drones and the like. This week however we have been blown away by a completely different type of gadget. In fact calling it a gadget is probably not enough. This is a proper, functional robotic household appliance, this is the iRobot Roomba 880. Continue reading Make room for the Roomba, your faithful carpet cleaning robot.→
This week we chat about the GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition and the Sony Actioncam HDR-AS30V, both high end waterproof ‘sports cameras’ and both with their own unique features.
HUGE!! Thanks to Sammy Browning at HotWirePR and Abby Kidd at Consolidated PR for being so helpful in supplying us with the units to test.
An excerpt of Gadget Man was recorded by the GoPro Hero 3+ and is shown below.
This week we have been looking at the iRobot Roomba 880 vacuum cleaner. This is a FABULOUS appliance, we are still bowled over at the amazing effectiveness of this cleaner. Both Matt’s office carpet and his carpets at home have never been SO CLEAN!
We will be writing a full review on the Roomba over the next few days, in the meantime. Listen below to Matt and Mark discussing the most amazing gadget!!
Hear Matt chat about the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Power Edition. After planning to do some lovely footage at Cove Hithe in Suffolk, the AR.Drone 2.0 didn’t wan’t to play nicely. Hear all about it here. Also we preview the iRobot Roomba 880 autonomous Vacuum Cleaner!!
Samsung have never been a company to flinch to competition, and the big screen tablet market is no different here. The Tab Pro may not be the best tablet on the market, but it’s one of the best media consumption devices you’re going to find. Continue reading Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 – Size is sometimes everything!→
This week we talk about Matt’s seven days with the Smart Ebike from Mercedes Benz. The bike is built from the ground up to be an pedelec bike, with futuristic looks and amazing features. A true ‘gadget’ for the 21st century.
ADVERTISEMENT: Hyuhome Electric Bikes for Adult, Magnesium Alloy Ebikes Bicycles All Terrain,26″ 36V 350W 13Ah Removable Lithium-Ion Battery Mountain Ebike.
Special thanks to Carl Beer at Ipswich Mercedes for arranging the loan of the bike and for being incredibly helpful and informative prior to picking the bike up!!
Thanks for visiting this page, which is one of the most popular on my blog. If you would like to help support the us, please consider visiting my Amazon Store. Thanks again for visiting, Matt
ADVERTISEMENT: Hyuhome Electric Bikes for Adult, Magnesium Alloy Ebikes Bicycles All Terrain,26″ 36V 350W 13Ah Removable Lithium-Ion Battery Mountain Ebike.
Smart eBike Support in the UK – 1 July 2020
I get quite a large number of messages in the UK requesting assistance with the Smart eBike. Whilst I am also an eBike owner, I also fall into the category of everyone else with regard to problem-solving and troubleshooting issues with our bikes. I have actually reached out to Mercedes Benz and highlighted the issue of ongoing support from them on these bikes, which of course cost all of us a fairly hefty sum of money at the time of purchase.
Personally, I have struggled to get support with my bike and had to bend several peoples eardrums to get a result after feeling left high-and-dry in the event of needing assistance. I personally was successful getting the repair work done on my Smart eBike whilst also having a Firmware update to boot. The technician at Smart was very helpful and in fact, was excited to be involved in the maintenance of a vehicle that was no longer manufactured. This involved the installation of software on his PC and connection directly to the bike. It might well be a good time for Smart to release this software into the public domain to allow for their customers to continue to maintain their bikes for years to come.
This does continue to feel unfair as I have (like many others) approached bike repair shops for assistance and have got absolutely nowhere! So indeed the only port of call continues to be Mercedes Benz themselves.
So, the official line is that in event of any issues with your Smart eBike, you should contact Mercedes-Benz Customer Care on the following email address I am reliably informed that you will be assisted with your query.
You can also view the Smart eBike Owners manual online using this link. Now read on!!