Category Archives: Gadget Man

Lot’s of reviews to look forward to

We’ve lots of gadgets lined up for the next few weeks both on Mark Murphy’s show on Radio Suffolk and also here on our web site.

On Monday, we wrap up our review on Nokia’s Lumia 1520 and HTC One M8 and find out if they are worthy competition for the Camera.

We are currently testing four very different products. Listen and look out for reviews on the Samsung Galaxy Camera 2, Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 and the Motorola Moto G smart phone.

Also, watch out if you are driving around the lanes of Ipswich and Waldringfield over the next couple of weeks!!! Matt begins testing the Sparta RX Plus, eBike, kindly supplied from justebikes, who have stores in Leiston, Suffolk and Portobello Road in London.  Matt is looking forward to getting some much needed fresh air!!

Smart Phones, Smart Watches & You!

Our last couple of articles have been focusing on the latest in a trend of ‘smart’ technology – smart watches. A common trend that follows with each of these pieces of technology is the dependency on a phone device to adapt or maintain it. In today’s article, we’re going to take a break from reviews to discuss just how this system works, and why it’s both a negative, and positive attribute of the new devices.
To keep things clear, we’re only going to be discussing the two smart watch systems that we have previously reviewed, mostly for contextual clarity – the Samsung Gear 2 and the Sony SmartWatch 2. Continue reading Smart Phones, Smart Watches & You!

Gadget Man Episode 3 – Sony Smartwatch 2 plus Lumia 1520 vs HTC One M8

This week we find out how Matt got on wearing the Sony Smartwatch 2. Matt introduces the 6 Inch!!! Nokia Lumia 1520 and HTC One M8 and asks the question ‘Are smartphones ready to replace cameras?’. Wrapping up with discussion of ‘Yo!’ the app.

Thanks to Laura at Citizen Relations,  Nina at Hope & Glory and Nadine at Axicom for the providing the above devices!

Sony Smartwatch 2 – Did it miss the mark?

In our previous smart watch review, we took a look at the Samsung Gear 2, trying to work out just how much of a novelty the device was. It had a price tag that easily hit above its weight, with some reaching as far as £279.99. Today, we’re going to look at a cheaper, much more logical progression into the smart watch genre, but we are faced with a different dilemma; is this not worth even £100? It’s time to look at the Sony SmartWatch 2. Continue reading Sony Smartwatch 2 – Did it miss the mark?

HTC One M8 – Is this the ‘One’?

We’ve been taking a look a Smart Watches recently, so it’s time to delve back into the ocean of smart phones to look at one of the pearls hidden beneath the waves; the HTC One M8 is one of the best smart phones to come out so far this year. Let’s see why. Continue reading HTC One M8 – Is this the ‘One’?

Gadget Man Episode 2 – Samsung Gear 2

This week, we discuss the Samsung Gear 2 smart watch.

Samsung Gear 2 – Smart Watch or Novelty?

As smart technology begins to adapt into new frontiers, stretching its boundaries beyond that of the phone and into other common devices, the Samsung Gear 2 seems to be one of the first to really achieve what it is to be a smart ‘watch’, but does that make it necessary, or an extravagant novelty?

Continue reading Samsung Gear 2 – Smart Watch or Novelty?

Gadget Man – Episode 1 – Samsung Gear 2, Sony Smartwatch 2 and FIFA Official App

gear2.jpg-largeThis week App of the Week becomes Gadget Man. The slot is expanded to include Apps, Gadgets and general Technology related news.

Today, for the first of two episodes, Matt is reviewing the  Gear 2 smart watch from Samsung. We also discuss the Sony Smartwatch 2 we will be reviewed in full in the next couple of weeks and FIFA World Cup 2014 apps.